First Aid
B2 level

Main Aims
Reading for gist and detail. In the context of illness and injury.
Subsidiary Aims
Clarification and practice of vocabulary in the context of illness and injury.
Procedure (32-45 minutes)
Ss will be shown pictures of different injuries and they will be asked do tell what kind of injury is in the picture. T will elicit the vocabulary the ss know about the injuries shown in the pictures. Then ss will be asked what are the reasons in their opinion have caused those injuries.
T will ask if the ss what would they do if encountered to a serious injury. T will ask the student to image a scenario where one of their family members injured him/herself; what would they do in that case? Elicit the term "First Aid". Then, ask the ss if they have any medical/first aid training.
Ss will be given a handout including first aid kit and will be asked to fill in the gap by writing the number of the first aid tool pointed at.
Ss will be given short reading about the first aid kit. T will ask ss to have a first reading in order to get the gist, then the T will ask what is the text gist to check whether they got its main idea or not.
T will ask the ss to read the text for another time and answer the questions "Why do we need a first aid kit?", and "What a first aid kit should contain?" to check if they absorbed the vocabulary given to them before. The T will ask the ss to ask each other the question in order to check if they understand what is in the text as well as the vocabulary they are learning.
T will give the ss a first aid quiz and that they should choose one of the options given to each situation in the handout and then discuss it with a partner. Students will be asked to ask each other in order to get them to share their opinions and ideas. After that, the T will give the Ss the answer key for the quiz.