zainab zainab

Art and questions without auxilliaries
Upper Secondary 3 level


In this lesson, Ss will talk about different artists and will frame questions without auxilliaries. Asa lead -in, pictures of different artists will be dispayed and Ss will discuss about them. Next Ss put words related to the topic- Art in the correct columns, This is followed by a culture quiz. Then Ss practice making questions without auxilliaries. This is followed by a speaking activity, where in Ss look at a few pictures and asks question on the same. They are introduced to a contemporary artisit, Banksy. Ss look at some of his works and give their opinions on the same. Lastly, Ss are to do a reading activity based on Banksy. Each pair gets HOs with the same text but different fill in the gaps. They question each other to find out the answers and fill in the gaps. Ss play Taboo at the end of the class, thus reviewing the vocabulary and grammar clarification they practiced in class.


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Main Aims

  • For Ss to use/ practice new words related to the topic - Art. For Ss to improve and practice making questions without auxiliaries.

Subsidiary Aims

  • For Ss to use words based on the topic Art in speaking accurately and fluently.


Lead-in • To activate students' schemata

Pictures of a few artisits are displayed. Ss discuss in pairs to answer these questions: Do you recognise these artists? Have you heard or seen their work? Who is your favourite artist? Do any of them inspire you?Why?

Pre-reading task • To unblock vocabulary related to Art

Ss are given Hos. They work in pairs and put the words in the correct group. PC and WCFB is done.

Controlled reading practice • For Ss to practice new words related to Art. For Ss to be introduced to questions without auxiliaries.

Ss do the Culture quiz on page 31 in groups. The answers are discussed in class Ss are instructed to underline the verbs in the interrogative sentences.

Grammar Clarification • For Ss to clarify and practice questions without auxiliaries

Ss are instructed to do the Ex5 on pg 31. Ss are instructed to match the sentences. 2 sets of sentences are written on the board. Who became famous as a five year old? Michael Jackson became famous. When did Michael Jackson become famous? He became famous when he was five. Ss are asked if the first sentence is asking about the subject or object? Ans : Subject Ss are asked to circle Michael Jackson Then Ss are asked if the second sentence is asking about the subject or object? Ans : Object Ss are asked to circle when he was five. Ss are asked to look at the sentences from the previous exercise and identify questions without auxiliaries. Tr. questions students : When would you use questions without auxiliaries? (Ans: When who, what, which or whose is the subject of the sentence) Ss are encouraged to give examples of sentences with and without auxiliaries.

Controlled written practice • For Ss to practice and improve making questions without auxiliaries.

Ss are given HOs. They are to form questions without auxiliaries for the sentences given in the HO. They work alone. They check their answers in pairs. During WCFB, the answers are discussed and checked.

Controlled speaking practice • To review and practice speaking fluently and accurately using questions without auxiliaries.

Ss are given HOs with clues. They are to form questions without auxiliaries based on the clues given to them in pairs. Their answers are discussed in class. Error correction is done.

Freer speaking practice • To speak fluently and accurately using questions without auxiliaries and lexis related to Art.

A few works of art are displayed and Ss give their opinions on them. They work in pairs. They share their answers with the class.

Controlled written practice • To review and practice writing questions without auxiliaries.

Ss are shown a few works of Banksy. They are asked to give their opinion on his work. Then Ss are given HOs with the same text but different fill in the gaps. Each pair gets worksheet A and B. They are to find answers by asking questions to each other. PC and WCFB are done.

Freer speaking practice and Recap of the lesson • To speak fluently and accurately using questions without auxiliaries and lexis related to Art.

The game - Taboo is played. Ss are divided into 2 groups. One member of the group volunteer to explain the word given to him or her. For example :painting. Ss is to explain the word without and elicit the answer from his or her team mates. They are encouraged to ask questions and use words they have learnt in this lesson.

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