Maxwell Hughes Maxwell Hughes

Intermediate level


Grammar lesson about use of second conditional. Ss will read about a TV programme in which people's reactions to various scenarios is investigated by a team of psychologists. This provides the context and exposure to the TL. Ss then have some controlled practice of form before moving on to a free practice about their own responses to unusual scenarios.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of second conditional in the context of unexpected scenarios as seen by psychologists in a TV programme.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice for the purpose of exposure to the second conditional in the context of a TV programme about psychologists investigating possible scenarios.


Lead-in/warmer (3-4 minutes) • To engage the students and to provide the context for the lesson.

Tell the Ss a story about when someone put a fake banknote on the ground and waited for you to pick it up. Say you felt a fool. Ask the Ss what they would do if they saw a 100TL on the ground. Would they pick it up? Anyway, maybe psychologists have the answer...Let's read a bit more about their experiments...

Reading. Exposure to TL. (5-7 minutes) • To enable Ss to see TL in a meaningful context.

Ss to read passage on HO1 individually. They then need to talk about the programme in pair. Now in the same pair, do the guided discovery exercise involving matching sentences and the rules they exemplify.

Feedback (5-8 minutes) • To elicit MFP from Ss

Write TL on board: If no one saw you, would you take something without paying for it? Maybe the programme could be even better if we heard from more experts. It would also be nice if we had some more statistics Meaning: Ask group what the answers are to the matching exercise. Check with some CCQs, especially regarding whether the actions are in the past or the future, whether real or imaginary. Form: Now elicit the form for affirmative, negative and question formats. Pronunciation: Drill pronunciation of whole phrases but also draw attention to 'would' and contracted forms. Elicit stress.

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To give Ss confidence about the form of the TL.

Show HO. Ss to work in groups and write the answers. Monitor and answer Qs as they arise.

Feedback 2 (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback to Ss on problems with form.

Pin answer keys to walls. Ss to stand up and check their answers. Check if any examples were too difficult for Ss and clarify as needed.

Free practice (5-10 minutes) • To give Ss practise in speaking for fluency and accuracy using the TL.

Pairs. Ss ask each other the questions on HO3. Monitor, hot error correction (so that TL errors do not become fossilised).

Feedback (2-4 minutes) • To highlight examples of good TL and where reformulation is needed.

Write up examples of good TL on the board, also examples for reformulation.

Optional final game (3-5 minutes) • To provide more speaking free practice of TL

Back to board. A S sits facing away from the board. Teacher writes a sentence using 'if' and past simple e.g. ''If I had three heads...'' Other Ss have to provide suitable completing phrases in form of second conditional, until the S can guess what the ''if'' clause contained.

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