Mohammad Maher Alboushi Mohammad Maher Alboushi

Criminal records lesson.
B1 level


In this lesson, my students learn about vocabulary in context of Criminal records. I will start with some pictures related to the topic to warm up the lesson. Then, I will test learners' current knowledge of and ability to use the language and identify what the issues are. After that, I will clarify issues learners had with meaning,pronunciation and form. Finally, I will provide controlled oral practice and freer oral practice.


Abc match the pictures with these words handout
Abc hand out

Main Aims

  • To provide vocabulary in context of Criminal records.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Criminal records


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will start the lesson with pictures related to criminal records in order to generate interest in the topic. Students will be asked what do they think of these photos. Then, after getting some ideas from them, I will show the title of today's lesson.

Test 1 and 2. (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

At this stage, I will give the students two tests, these tests are for checking students' current knowledge of the topic and to identify what the issues are. The first one is about matching pictures with words. students will be given the instructions before handing out the worksheet, students will work individually. Then, after answering the task, students will be asked to check their answers with their group. While they are checking, I will write the answers on the board. After that, I will give my students the second task , it is about completing the sentences with the correct form of verbs. First, I will give the instruction of the task then I will tell them to answer it individually, i will ICQ after that I will hand out the work sheets. Then, the students will be asked to share their answers with their group. While they are checking, I will write the answers on the board.

Teach (10-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

At this stage, I will clarify issues learners had with meaning so learners understand it better also I will CCQ. After that, I will clarify issues learners had with pronunciation so they know how to say it better then I will CCQ. Finally, I will clarify issues with form so that learners know to construct it better and I will CCQ.

Test #2 (5-8 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

At this stage, I will give my students another test to see if they understand all the vocabulary that they have learnt from the teaching stage. In this task I will give the students some cards and they have to match these cards, these cards include the name of the crimes and the criminals, so the first group finishes the task they have to fill in the answers in another sheet then we will share the answers with the whole class.

Free practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will give my students a question to provide freer oral practice focused on using the language accurately. The question is about putting all of these crimes in order of how serious the students think they are, from 8(very serious) to 1 (not serious). I will give the students some time to answer it in their group. then each group will share their answers with the whole class. and I will write the their answers on the board. Finally, if there are any errors, I will highlight it in the class.

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