Oznur Turk Oznur Turk

Straightforward Elementary TP3
Elementary level


Abc WB
Abc HO1
Abc Gap Fill HO

Main Aims

  • To introduce/review and give Ss practice in prepositions of place in the context of swapping houses.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give Ss controlled & semi-controlled speaking practice in the context of swapping houses.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask ss to talk in pairs and tell each other where they live. After talking in pairs ss report where their friends live in open class.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Give ss HO1. Ask ss to look back at the five descriptions of houses on the Houseswap webpage from the previous lesson. They must underline the prepositions of place (in-on-at) and the nouns that follow them. Tell ss to check them in pairs first and then elicit answers from them and underline the words they say on the board.

Clarification (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ask ss why they think we use prepositions. Show ss the image to clarify the meaning of prepositions of place. Write in, on and at on the board. Build up a list of ‘rules’ under each preposition by eliciting them from ss. Tell them to check the text again. If they are not able to come up with them give them the options and ask which preposition you should write them under. Give 1-2 minutes to take notes. in on at a house streets the end … towns/cities the beach home countries floors school the mountains the doctor’s/dentist’s the centre …

Controlled Practice (2-3 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss complete Straightforward Elem – Ss Bk, U 3A pp 33, Grammar ex 2 by using the prepositions of place in pairs. Elicit answers from different pairs to complete the text.

Semi-Controlled Practice 1 (3-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Show ss the picture of a street. Ask them to talk in pairs and ask each other the questions below and remind them to use the prepositions of place. Monitor thoroughly and note down mistakes and examples of good language for the following FB and Error Correction stage. -Where is the school? -Where is the supermarket? -Where is the hospital? -Where is the bus stop? -Where is the big house? -where is the university? -Where is the car park? -Where is the small house?

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Write 4-5 sentences that the students said in the previous stage of the lesson including examples of good language and language with errors. Tell ss "Some of the sentences on the WB have mistakes. Talk with your pair and find the mistakes. You have 2 minutes". Next go through each sentence and ask ss "Is this sentence correct? Why not?" Elicit the correct language from ss and make the necessary corrections on the WB. Give positive feedback for successful attempts.

Semi-Controlled Practice 2 (4-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Show ss Straightforward Elem – Ss Bk, U 3A pp 33, Grammar ex 3 on HO1 and do one example together. Then tell ss to work in pairs and tell their pair where they sit by using the sentence starters. After 2 minutes, ss tell where their friends sit in class with the WC. Give feedback by praising correct language verbally.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

• Explain to students that they are going to take turns to exchange information with their partner about a text on where someone lives. • Hand out worksheets to students A and B. • Demonstrate the activity. 1. Explain that some of the sentences on each worksheet are incomplete and that it is necessary to ask questions in order to find the missing information. 2. Write the first incomplete sentence from worksheet B on the board: ‘Gerry Thompson lives in _______.’ 3. Elicit the correct question from the class: ‘Where does Gerry Thompson live?’ 4. Tell them to look at their texts first and write down 8 questions below the text on the lines provided about each blank before they start talking in pairs to do the gap-fill activity. 5. Ask ss to work in pairs with someone else from their table in order to check their questions before they get feedback in open class. 6. Then ask a student with worksheet A for the answer. Write the answer in the gapped sentence. 7. Do this with two or three more examples, demonstrating how the students take it in turns to ask and answer questions. • Pairwork: Students now do the activity, taking turns to ask their partner questions about the information on their sheet. • Tell students that, if necessary, they should ask each other how to spell words. • When they have finished, students check their answers with each other. • Go through the answers with the class as an open class activity.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Write 4-5 sentences that the students said in the previous stage of the lesson including examples of good language and language with errors. Tell ss "Some of the sentences on the WB have mistakes. Talk with your pair and find the mistakes. You have 2 minutes". Next go through each sentence and ask ss "Is this sentence correct? Why not?" Elicit the correct language from ss and make the necessary corrections on the WB. Give positive feedback for successful attempts.

Flexi-stage - If time (4-6 minutes) • To recycle target language

Students rewrite the texts by replacing some of the key nouns in the text. Demonstrate by starting off as an open class activity, and then letting the students continue in pairs, eg Gerry Thompson lives in Barcelona. He has a big flat in the city centre and a big house by the sea. During the week he lives in his house by the sea. The house is next to a small restaurant … Encourage students to be as imaginative as possible. In this way, they are motivated to ask about and add new vocabulary to the existing lexis.

Web site designed by: Nikue