sahand Jamalzadeh sahand Jamalzadeh

Simple past negative
A1 level


In this lesson students will learn about simple past negative.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of simple past negative in the context of activity
  • To provide clarification and practice of simple past negative

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product and process


Lead in (1-2 minutes) • to generate interest in the context

in this stage I will ask students about previous class and what was it about. (because they already have read a text about simple past and exposed to the target language)

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • to provide context for the target language through a situation

in this stage I will ask students a question and they will discuss it with their partner. what did you do and what didn't you do on the weekend? after discussing these questions with their partner they will share their answers with the whole class.

Highlighting target language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight the target language so that learners are focused on it

In this stage I will give students a text and will ask them to read it closely and answer three questions about Mike. students will answer questions individually and then then will discuss their answers with their partner. what does Mike say about: a) the night at the hotel? b) the carpet? c) the Pyramids?

Clarifying target language (5-8 minutes) • to clarify meaning so learners understand it, clarify the pronunciation so learners know how to say it and clarify form so that learners know how to construct it

In this stage, I will clarify meaning, form and pronunciation through eliciting. I will write answers of questions which I asked in previous stage on the board and will use them as my model sentences. a) He didn't sleep much. b) He didn't buy it. c) we didn't see the pyramids. meaning and form will be clarified by CCQs. -meaning is it about past or present? is it positive or negative? why? -form we use past form or base form after didn't? -pronunciation the pronunciation of /t/ in didn't will be clarified by modeling

Language practice (3-5 minutes) • to provide controlled written practice focused on using the language accurately

In this stage, I will give students 5 sentences on handout and will ask them to choose the correct word. then students will check their answers with their partner. teacher will monitor the class during this stage.

Language Practice (10-12 minutes) • to provide freer written practice focused on using the language accurately

In this stage, I will arrange students in groups of four. each group will write four sentences about what they did last month. then groups will change their papers and this time they will make those sentences negative. during this activity teacher will monitor class.

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