didar shwani didar shwani

The past perfect
level 8 level


in this lesson students will learn about past perfect, through the context of ( My Last Holiday) ( own material). Also , students will have the chance to practise their productive skills through controlled and semi- controlled practice.


Abc HO1 : My last holiday - Zina
Abc HO1 : My last holiday - Zina
Abc Top Notch

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past perfect in the context of My last holiday

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a short stories about a chain of events


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

First : greet the students Then : star my lesson with an introductory question Do you like going on holidays ? ( elicit the answer from few students) (2 min) Next : Introduce my context ( My last holiday ) ( 2)

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. explain to the students that you will hand them HO1. Work on your own , and then check with your partner 2. Read the text and answer the questions . ( 3 min) My Last holiday It was the summer of 2014, when I went on a holiday with a group of friends. We had bought our tickets before we agreed on meeting at the airport two hours in advance. But, on the day, when we got at the airport, we found out that two of our friends hadn’t arrived yet. We gave them a call, but no reply. We couldn’t do any more, so we took the flight and went on. To our amusement, by the time we arrived at our destination, we discovered that our friends had already booked in. When we met, they told us that they had booked their flight for 10 am, but our flight was at 10 pm. It was incredibly lucky; we had both booked at the same hotel. After we spent a fantastic time on our holiday, we decided on going on holiday every year, but all on the same flight. Answer the question below T/ F I went on holiday in 2013? I didn’t buy my tickets first? We arrived to the airport first? We phoned our friends from Istanbul? We arrived at the hotel first? Monitor the Ss. CCQ: correct the F statements ( 2 min)

Highlighting; target language from the text - meaningb. (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language- meaning

From the text in HO1 : write on WB ; 1.We had bought our tickets before we agreed on meeting at the airport two hours in advance. 2. By the time we arrived at our destination, we discovered that our friends had already booked in. 3. After we spent a fantastic time on our holiday, we decided on going on holiday every year, but all on the same flight ASK: which action happened first , and which action is the second . ( elicit the answer ) ( T- C) .

Clarification , meaning and form (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

On the WB : ask students to look HO2 Top Notch - page 6 Grammar : read out the uses of past perfect ; on the WB : past perfect form had + pp ( past participle) Our flight had arrived by noon meaning: which action first when I arrived home, the movies had already started. the movie started first . CCQ: STUDENTS TO PRODUCE EXAMPLES - FIRST WRITTEN AND THEN SPOKEN

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

ASK the Ss to look at Grammar practice on page 6 - HO2 - TOP NOTCH . Give clear Instruction: ex ; A PAGE 6 HO2. ( 4) , PW monitor the students . Feed- back give out the write answers .

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-4 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ask the students to look at HO2 -Ex B Give clear instruction: PW. ask the students to read to- do list and complete the gaps . monitor the class , move students if they finish before the rest . Feed back : Give out the answers

Free Practice ; Speaking for fluency and accuracy (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Arrange the class in groups accordingly . now , you have to tell your group about an event , you must use PAST PERFECT FORM . Monitor the class , for accuracy , correct the target language only . NB. If you run out of time , ask the students to write a short paragraph as a home work for the next lesson

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