Nevin Dogan Nevin Dogan

Quantifiers and Possessive pronouns
Pre-Intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • Grammar : To provide clarification and review of quantifiers and possessive pronouns in the context of travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening : To practice pronunciation of liaisons and to look for specific information.


Stage 1 : Mix & match (6-7 minutes) • Checking students have understood how to construct quantity phrases.

I will start the class by continuing in the same line as Cigdem, working on quantifiers and quantity phrases. I will change the groups around (A,B,C) and get the sts to gather into three groups. I will give out the envelopes with the cut-ups to each group, but tell them to wait until they open them. I will demo for the sts how to do the activity : matching the right quantity with the right noun. e.g. : a piece of cake. Each group will have a few minutes to discuss this. Then I will get the sts to stand up and get the groups to check each others answers (for example telling them to check the group which has gotten all the answers right).

Stage 2 : Listening and pronunciation. (4-5 minutes) • To get the sts to correctly pronounce the liaisons in these quantity phrases.

I will play the record and get the sts to practice the phrases, by stopping the record after each phrase. I will give a phrase example on the WB and underline the linking of the two words, "a piece of chewing gum" so the sts can understand more thoroughly.

Stage 3 : Student autonomous free practice (5-6 minutes) • To get the sts to come up with their own quantity phrases.

I will ask the sts to work in pairs and find other things for the quantity phrases. I will give examples : a bottle of water, a roll of sellotape (use realia). I will ask the sts to practice these orally instead of writing them down. Quick FB.

Stage 4 : Controlled practice (9-10 minutes) • To get the sts to practice using quantifiers and quantity phrases.

I will ask the sts to individually write three correct sentences and three incorrect sentences about the picture using the quantifiers and quantity phrases. I will project of the WB the different quantifiers and quantity phrases they have been using in the lessons (Cigdem's and mine). I will give examples to make sure they have understood correctly, plus ICQs. After a few minutes, I will ask them to swap papers and check and correct their mistakes in pairs.

Stage 5 : Listening (6-7 minutes) • Getting the sts to look for specific information in the recording

I will tell sts they are going to listen to Sophie and Rob talking while they are packing. I will project the picture on the WB. I will tell them that the picture has got four mistakes and they have to try and find what these are, and write them down. I will play the recording, and then get them to check in pairs. I will then monitor and play the recording again if necessary. Quick FB. (Rob says he's not taking any sun cream but there is some in the picture. Sophie says she's taking a few (one or two) books, but there are lots of books in the picture. Sophie says she's taking a few T-shirts, but there are lots of T-shirts in the picture. Sophie says she's taking a bit of make-up, but there is lots of make-up in the picture.)

Stage 6 : Possessive pronouns (8-9 minutes) • Getting sts to identify and recognize personal pronouns themselves.

I will tell sts I want them to fold the HO I am giving them, and demo. They will have to choose the right answers in the first part of the HO. After a few minutes, I will project the the AK on the WB for them. I will let them check it for a few minutes. I will then write on the WB the following sentences : a). I don't want to take any of yours. b). There are a few things I can't get in mine. I will then get the sts to tell me what yours and mine refer to. (a = your things; b = my bag). I will then get them to unfold the HO and discuss in groups about the possessive pronouns. Quick FB, one person per group can come and write it out on the WB.

Free practice (5-6 minutes) • To get the sts to practice the grammar and pronunciations they have learnt.

If there is any time left at the end of the lesson, I will get the sts to discuss in pairs, to ask and answer questions about the things in the picture and the classroom. I will demonstrate this by asking a few questions to the whole class so they understand it correctly (A-B discussion pattern, B being the entire class instead of one student).

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