Andrew Luskus Andrew Luskus

Introduction of Vocabulary as it relates to the New Year and Plans
Elementary level


In this lesson, I will be introducing a set of new vocabulary to the students as it relates to planning, in the context of New Year events.


Abc Audio CD
Abc Whiteboard
Abc Workbook Handout
Abc Projector

Main Aims

  • To improve on students listening skills using the dialogue examples of Min and Paul.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enhance the student's vocabulary concerning planning and what they do usually, sometimes, or never do. The context will begin with New Years, and be gradually led into a "day in the life" scenario.


Introduction to Lesson (3-5 minutes) • To get Students Talking about New Year's

T will write January 1, 2014 on the board. T will elicit answer from Ss about what this date signifies. T will write New Year on the board. T will engage the students about New Year's, asking who likes New Year. T will ask if Ss know what the big New Year celebration is in the United States. T will ask what the equivalent is in Turkey or Istanbul.

Audio and Listening (9-12 minutes) • To introduce Ss to New Year activities through Min and Paul

T will introduce Min from Korea and Paul from the UK. T will play audio file 1.34 for the Ss. T will introduce vocabulary on sunrise, fireworks, special, midnight, party. Emphasize pronunciation. T will ask Ss if Min and Paul enjoy New Year. T will play the audio again, and post questions as demonstrated in 3a pg 28 on the projector. T will elicit answers from Ss about min, circling the correct answer on the WB. This is a time variable activity, as I may have to repeat the recording. T will concept check vocab by asking Ss what presented vocabulary means. "When will you see fireworks?" "What is a special day for you?" "Have you been to any parties recently?"

How Often? Vocabulary (6-9 minutes) • To reinforce vocab from the listening and define them further

T will write sample sentences on the board (or project them), underlining the words "sometimes" "always" "often" and "usually". T will elicit what their meaning, concept check, and check pronunciation. T will write graph on "How Often?" from the bottom of pg 28 on the board, and get Ss to fill in the chart. Optional - WB work on the vocab, T puts sample sentence "I read in bed" and ask Ss whether they do this never, often, sometimes, usually, or always.

Activity (15-20 minutes) • Writing / Interaction Activity

T will explain that a journalist wrote the article for an interview with Pete Phillips. T will then demonstrate how sentences must be filled in on the board with sample: "I __________ to school, because I don't have a car." T will hand out the HO, and give Ss a few minutes to fill it in. T will show the HO on the projector and check students answers. T will bring up second part of activity 3A. Ss will have to fill in the appropriate questions for each answer. T will demonstrate on WB with question 1, "What time do you usually wake up in the morning?" Ss will work in groups to complete the sheet of paper.

Activity Follow Up (5-12 minutes) • To get Ss to ask questions, not only respond to them.

With extra time: T pairs off students and has them interview each other using the questions they have at their disposal. Ss write down these questions, formulate a new paragraph about them, and then share them for WC. Can be drawn out as T calls on pairs. 10 min, minimum. With less time: T has students mix throughout the class, asking questions of their peers. Give them roughly 5 minutes.

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