alyssa abell alyssa abell

Experience 8
Upper-Intermediate level


This lesson will focus on grammar as the main aim and reading as the sub-aim through the use of a news paper article, i.e. reporting verbs.


Abc Chicken Fight Article Page 79
Abc Direct/Reported Matching Page 78
Abc Verb Chart Page 147
Abc Reporting verb reformulating exercise Page 147

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Reporting Verbs and its attached structures Gerund/ to + infinitive / person + to +infinitive in the context of Cooking in the form of a news article
  • To provide practice of Reporting Verbs and its attached structures Gerund/ to + infinitive / person + to +infinitive in the context of Cooking in the form of a news article

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text, a news article, about a dispute in the context of chefs and recipes


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T: Show the picture of the strangest thing I've eaten? What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? (Connect to the end) Ss: response T: Show photo of the chefs w/ title w/ caption underneath Well, these guys enjoy eating cold chicken with strawberry mayonnaise. Does that sound strange to you? does it sound good? Can you tell what their relation is? Ss: response T: Does it look like they have a dispute? first--what type of text will we be reading can you tell? Ss: response T: Yes/No, a news paper REPORTING. T: CCQ: So what type of language do you think we will be looking at today?

Gist Reading Exercise (8-10 minutes) • Serves as a gist reading practice and exposes TL

T: (Task before reading) How did the local paper resolve the dispute? T: As we read think about how the local paper resolved the dispute. HAND OUT Take 4 minutes to read the news article. CCQ: How did the paper resolve the problem? Ss: Response Elicit: "the local news paper, the Sidcup Echo, invited both chefs to prepare the dish at their offices to see whose recipe it really was." CCQ: Take a moment and see if you can notice the verb forms in this sentence. Be thinking about this sentence we will come back to it.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • Notice reporting verbs and their following structures, direct speech--> reported speech

Exercise B T: We are reading a _______ Right, so in order to report something has to happen, to report on. CCQ- So what does CNN do when something important happens in the real world?-report T: For every reported speech, there is an original speech--or direct speech. Look at the direct speech forms, and look in the article for the matching reported speech. Think about that sentence for a second... HAND OUT ... Now which quote goes with this news reported sentence? Work with a partner and match the direct speech to the reported speech ICQ: The main idea is to see the difference between and connection between direct speech and reported speech. ICQ: So what are we doing? We found the first one together now, look through the article and see if you can match the reported speech to the direct quote/ reported speech. Match them Change slide to--Feedback: Answer Key T: guide to the first model sentence

Highlighting the Model Sentences (7-10 minutes) • Draw understanding of the Form and Meaning of the TL

T: CCQ: Do you remember how the dispute was resolved? [Pull through tactic] Can someone read me that sentence? [1.] "The local news paper, the Sidcup Echo, invited both chefs to prepare the dish at their offices to see whose recipe it really was." (Model Sentence) T: CCQ--SO HOW DO WE KNOW THIS SENTENCE IS A REPORTING? underline (invited) elicit its property Underline (chefs) because its person underline (to prepare) elicit its form CCQ: Can we say preparing? T: TAKE ANOTHER LOOK AT THE ARTICLE see if you can find the other reporting verbs? There are two other forms after the reporting verb. So far we have Reporting Verb + person + to + infinitive. Look through the article can you find them? T: What about this one: [Reporting verb + to + infinitive] [2.] "They agreed to come, and the cook-off took place yesterday." (Model Sentence) T: Where is the reporting verb? (agreed) What did they agree to? (to come) CCQ: Can we say 'they agreed coming' T: What about this one: [Reporting verb +gerund] [3.] "He admitted having seen the dish on the menu at Andrew's Pub" (Model Sentence) Drill for correct intonation of the (-ing) **If they are not responding, write the form on the board** **if they are saying all sorts of examples, acknowledge them if they are correct but right the planned one on the board to stay focused**

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • Opportunity to try the TL out

T: SHOW VERB CHART & HANDOUT Tick what you know, and what you don't know. THE VERBS WE WILL BE USING SHOULD BE HIGHLIGHTED T: Step 1-We just looked at the three forms that follow a reporting verb. Now I will give you a verb and around the classroom we have the reported speech form, attach the verb to the reported speech (think for 2 minutes) (1 minute to attach) CHECK VERBS Step 2-Walk around and look at each one and write the formulated answer using that verb, turn it into a sentence with a reporting verb. (4 minutes) Answer Key on the Slides!

Free Practice (7-8 minutes) • Using the TL in a freer more personalize situation

T: Earlier I had you think about the strangest food you've ever eaten Now think about it again Why did you agree to eat it? Did anyone have to convince you? take 1 minute to remember talk with your partner & listen to them carefully because I will have you report about them. Ss: 5 minutes talking T: (learner) tell me about (learner), "(learner) agreed to eat it because etc" "(learner) (person) convinced her to eat it"

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