Deniz Deniz

Evaluating ideas and making recommendations using adjective+noun collocations
Intermediate B1+ level


In this lesson students learn how to evaluate ideas and make recommendations using adjective+noun collocations through guided discovery based on a reading text about information media. This is followed by an activity where students are given two halves of pictures( related to information media) in order to find their partners. After a short discussion about the pictures the partners have, the students are asked to find the information from the text which the students studied in the previous lesson in order to fill in the gaps and elicit the meaning of collocations and how to strengthen the meanings of the adjectives through guided practice. After this activity the students try to write recommendations for a topic and share with the class which is followed by an activity to practice how to strengthen and weaken the meanings of the sentences. Finally the students are given some topics to talk to each other and make recommendations in groups.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of adjective+noun collocations to make recommendations and evaluations and modifying advers "quite" and "really" to soften or strengthen the avaluations or recommandations in the context of information media.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in speaking for fluency and expressing opinions.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To get to know the students . To set lesson context and engage students

Give two halves of the pictures to different students in class. Ask them to stand up, find their partners and sit together. Briefly check students' names if necessary. Ask questions related to the topic (referring to the previous lesson) and the pictures the pairs have. Students give their opinions . Genaral FB

Focus on TL1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text and clarify MFP

Give students handouts on which they can elicit the use of adjective-noun colocations through sentences from the text they had studied in the previous lesson. Check students whether the ss know what the words "evaluate" and "recommend" mean- elicit if necessary. Students in pairs fill in the gaps. Copy the phrases on the board. General FB- (answers on the board.)

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language.

After checking the answers as a whole class, underline the important points. Brainstorm more adjectives that go with the expressions.

Focus on TL2 (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Elicit one remaining example from the text. Students in pairs find the sentence. Write sentence on the board focusing on the of modifying adverbs. Ask questions to elicit the form and the meaning. Use cline to emphasize the meaning.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and to prepare students for free practice

Show a picture of a puzzled girl.Talk about her problem. Students in pairs complete sentences in the handout to make recommendations and add "quite" or "really" Monitor discreetly. General FB Take some examples in FB and drill a couple of sentences to help students with their pronunciation.

Free Practice- production (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Put students into groups (3-4) and ask them to discuss the topics given in Exercise 4. Monitor discreetly and only intervene if the students need help. Take some general FB. If time: do some error correction on the board from errors noted.

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