Dianne Dianne

Talking about Sports
B1 level


This lesson starts with a word scramble to refresh sports vocabulary. The students are then introduced to "like + -ing / 'd like" through a listening about sport. This is followed by some controlled practice of the target language where the students make sentences using picture prompts. The students then have some freer practice in a speaking activity where pairs write sentences (two true and one false about their ambitions. Partners guess which sentence is false. If there is time the students will get further practice of the new grammar otherwise this will be set for homework.


Abc Life pre-intermediate Coursebook
Abc Life pre-intermediate Coursebook
Abc Life pre-intermediate Coursebook
Abc Life pre-intermediate Coursebook
Abc Sports quiz

Main Aims

  • To introduce the students to "like + -ing /'d like" and give them practice using this grammar.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy practice of the target language in a pair activity where the students talk about their ambitions.


Starter - Word scramble (10 minutes) • To refresh sports vocabulary.

T writes scrambled words on board : olop; ratkc; veglo; glesgog; hitpc; abt; bluc; ten (pool, track, glove, goggles, pitch, bat, club, net) SS use words to complete Sports Quiz on page 12 in the workbook.

Stage 1 Listening • To introduce the grammar " like + -ing / 'd like" in context (3 people talking about sport).

SS look at Exercise 8 on page 23. Check that they understand that the need to fill in the grid with information from the listening. Play the CD (1.9) as often as necessary. Check.

Stage 2 Grammar presentation • To introduce the grammar " like + -ing / 'd like"

SS read the sentences and then listen to the CD again. SS complete sentences. Elicit full sentences. SS answer two questions.

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