Andrew Rochford Andrew Rochford

Intermediate level


Reading for gist and detail.


Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practised reading for gist and detail in the context of television

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have developed their fluency in speaking in the context of television.
  • In this lesson, I am mainly working on reducing TTT and giving students as much time as possible to carry out their tasks. Other aims are to improve pacing, improve giving clear instructions correctly, and to practise various classroom techniques such as ICQ and CCQ
  • Anticipated problems. Expected resistance on length of time allocated to gist task. Doubts should be resolved once the second task is explained. Some students are becoming more vocal and starting to dominate WC FB time. This is impeding ability to get quieter and less proficient students to speak. Must exert control if this happens


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context (early television) and engage students

Teacher projects PPT image of two early televisions. Class discussion about age of each television. Teacher puts students in groups of four and gets them to brainstorm differences between modern and early televisions. Whole class feedback.

Pre-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible. (Knowledge of certain events is required for the reading text.)

Lead in statement; 'Early television was used mainly to show news'. Teacher projects PPT image of four events covered by early television. Teacher distributes one copy of HO#1 per group. Groups to decide the chronological order of each event. Whole class feedback.

While-Reading #1 (4-6 minutes) • Reading for gist

Teacher projects PPT image of four article titles. Teacher explains task is to select correct title for the article. Task timer is set at 2 minutes. Teacher hands out HO#2 - article with multiple headings. Task starts and teacher monitors. At the end of task, students check their answers in pairs. Teacher projects PPT of image of article with matching header Whole class feedback.

While-Reading #2 (7-8 minutes) • Reading for specific information

Teacher pre-explains task 2 - handout to be folded in half with top half face up. Only questions on top half to be answered for this task. Students to work alone. Teacher distributes HO#3. Task timer is set at 4 minutes. Task starts and teacher monitors. When task completed, students to check in pairs. Whole class feedback.

While-Reading #3 (7-8 minutes) • Reading for detail

Students to turn over HO#3 and complete questions Task to be timed at 5 minutes. Taks starts, Teacher monitors. When completed, students to check results in groups. Whole-class feedback.

Post-Reading (8-8 minutes) • To discuss television using some of the vocabulary from the text

Group discussion on whether the invention of television was a good thing. Teacher divides class in two. One team is FOR television, the other team is AGAINST (teacher decides) Teams work together to provide as many reasons as possible. At end, whole class feedback. All team members must make a contribution

Delayed Feedback (2-4 minutes) • To board and correct errors that have been detected during the lesson

Whiteboard any errors that have been detected. Ask class to self-correct If not possible, then correct and explain. Potential errors with use of 'past tense + used to' during lead-in task

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