Dave Dave

school vocab for travelling students
5th, 8th grade level


to help kids who are travelling to Boston


Qah7xwwlt2yhoojmutwu americaschoolppt ppt
Abc large paper, markers, construction paper to cut out, scissors, glu, etc.
Adkoyvuatqcwyidychwh americaschoolppt ppt
Abc large paper, markers, construction paper to cut out, scissors, glu, etc.

Main Aims

  • give kids the vocab they need to go to school overseas and let them practice with it

Subsidiary Aims

Perhaps the most important element of any plan is the part where we say what our aims are.Jeremy Harmer in The Practice of English Language Teaching


intro (2-4 minutes) • get kids excited about America

Tell kids I'm from America. Ask them what they know about America

vocab (10-12 minutes) • introduce important vocab

Using photos on ppt, elicit the vocab, then drill. Vocab is school rooms (gym, cafeteria, etc.) and some position words they will need for CP

controlled practice (10-12 minutes) • increase kids' comfort with the vocab and give practice

Students fill in the demos and then start to ask each other "Where is..." and answer using the map in the ppt. They should use 1st/2nd floor and next to or between. After letting them do this on their own call up groups of students to demo

free practice (25-30 minutes) • give kids more vocab practice through a fun project

Kids make a map of a school in small groups on large paper. They should be encouraged to draw, colour, and use cup out paper, etc. There are requirements for which rooms to include and they should label everything in English.

Web site designed by: Nikue