Saeid Ashkriz Saeid Ashkriz

Daily activity
Elementary,A1 level


In this lesson SS are going to read about Grace's bedroom, so they will be familiar with her bedroom. Then, they will have some controlled practice exercises which help them to understand the reading thoroughly and make them to cover detailed information of a text. Also, SS are supposed to have a listening task to improve their listening skill.


Abc Gap fill hand outs,marker, WB

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about description of daily activity (present simple,past simple) in the context of Grace's activity

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about past activity (past simple) in the context of May's last week activity


stage 1: lead in (2-4 minutes) • To generate interest in the theme of the lesson

T- asks a warm up question about Ss' bedroom SS- share their answers in a class T- gives some hand outs to SS T- forms two groups in a class.

stage 2: reading for gist (3-5 minutes) • to encourage SS to read for general understanding

T- asks SS to read quickly, and tell any sentence that they remember SS- tell their sentences individually to the class

stage 3: reading for specific information (8-12 minutes) • to familiarize SS with the text

T- asks SS to read the text carefully T- asks SS to answer Questions in pair within their group SS- work in pair to answer questions SS- come to the board and write their answers on the board T-asks SS to underline words that they have problems T- elicit and drill the words

stage 4: listening for gist (4-6 minutes) • to encourage SS to listen for general understanding

T- gives some hand outs to SS T- asks SS to look at pictures on their papers and tell some sentences about them T- asks SS to listen for the first time and asks their idea SS- share their idea with the class T- Elicits some vocabularies before hand for better comprehension of SS

stage 5:listening for specific information (6-8 minutes) • to practice listening for detailed information

T- asks SS to listen for the second time and work with in their group and answer to questions. SS- work in pair and answer questions and share their answers with the class

stage 6: freer activity (5-8 minutes) • to improve speaking skill

T- asks SS to discuss within their group SS- discuss within their group T- monitors SS

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