Michael Paduano Michael Paduano

Teaching Practice 1b
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students develop their listening for gist and for specific information skills through listening to a radio interview about clinical negligence. They will also review modal verbs of speculation and practice speaking for fluency. The lesson starts with a discussion about the problems that doctors can have these days. This is followed by a brief vocabulary exercise to get students thinking about the listening topic. Next, students listen to the recording twice: once for gist, and once for specific information, using a fill-in-the-gap activity on a handout. Finally, students complete two activities on handouts to practice using modal verbs of speculation.


Abc Whiteboard
Abc Handouts

Main Aims

  • To give students practice listening for gist and for specific information through the context of an interview about clinical negligence.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review modal verbs of speculation. To give Students practice in speaking for fluency.


Warmer/Lead-In (3-4 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage students.

I ask students to recall how, in Tohid's lesson, they all said that they would prefer speaking with a family member rather than a doctor if they are feeling ill and how doctors were often unable to tell them what was wrong with them (do not use the word 'diagnose', since it is a vocabulary word in the next stage). I ask students to think of problems that doctors can have, eliciting the idea of doctors being sued for compensation.

Pre-Listening (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the lexis in the audio clip and to get them thinking about the topic.

I tell students that in a moment I will give them a handout and that in pairs they are to match the words with their correct definitions. After I give them the handouts, we complete the first example together. Then the students pair up and complete the activity. While the students are working, I write all of the words on the WB, in order to better deal with any difficulties students have with particular words. I check with the whole class that all students know the words and I deal with any questions.

Pre-Listening 2 (3-5 minutes) • To get students thinking about the listening topic.

I tell students that they will be listening to a radio interview and ask them to predict, using the words in the first pre-listening activity, what the program will be about. I don't give the students any feedback at this time, but I elicit the term 'clinical negligence'.

Listening Activity (12-15 minutes) • To give students practice listening for gist and specific information

Students listen to the interview and then I ask them whether they were correct. I ask them to pretend that I arrived late to class and didn't hear the program. What would they tell me so that I have a general idea of what the interview was about? Next I tell students that we're going to listen to the interview again and that this time we will listen more closely to specific details. I ask them to look at the second listening exercise on the handout and, in pairs, to try and fill in anything they remember. Then we listen to the interview again and students complete the handout. They peer-check their answers and then we take FB as a class. We may listen again to certain parts if the students missed anything.

Discussion (4-5 minutes) • To give students practice in speaking for fluency

I refer students to the question on the handout and ask them to discuss it in groups. After taking general FB from the class I ask them whether what they heard in the listening exercise could happen in Turkey.

Modals of Speculation Introduction (6-8 minutes) • To introduce students to the modal verbs 'could', 'might', 'may', 'must', and 'can't/cannot'.

For this next portion of the class I will ask students to change seats so that they have the opportunity to work with someone else. I give students the grammar handout and tell them how to complete questions 1) and 2) for all 6 examples. We demo the first example as a class. When they have finished we take some WC FB and deal with any questions. To clarify the use of modals of speculation, I will use the WB to draw a three-column chart with the headings ‘Sure’, ‘Less sure’, and ‘Sure that something isn’t true’ and ask the students to help me place the modal verbs in the correct column. I will avoid a more complicated analysis of the grammatical structures used for different tenses.

Modals of Speculation Reading Activity (7-9 minutes) • To give students practice identifying the proper modal verbs of speculation based on a written text

I will ask students to read the text on the handout to themselves and then in pairs the students will complete the 8 questions on the back of the grammar handout. I'll take WC FB and get the students to explain their choices.

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