Sevi K Sevi K

Comparative and superlative structures
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn to transform adjectives into comparative and superlative forms and to identify their structure. They will receive controlled practice of them via gap-fill and speaking exercises.


Abc whiteboard &markers
Abc gap-fill hand out
Abc gap-fill hand out
Abc gap-fill hand out

Main Aims

  • To Introduce and explain the structure, uses and differences between the comparative and superlative degrees for regular and irregular adjectives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide an in-depth speaking practice


Lead-in (7-9 minutes) • To motivate students use the comparison

After introducing myself I will first activate my students' awareness of the comparative and superlative adjectives by comparing different heights of people. For example, I will ask from my peers to stand to each other and the students will try to compare them. In this way, I will introduce the comparative of one syllable adjectives (e.g.tall). I will try to make sure students understand that for these adjectives the comparative is formed by adding –er. I will include myself between my peers who are standing and introduce the superlative; the superlative is formed by adding –est. Therefore, the students will say who is the tallest and who is the shortest in the class.

Word groups (10-13 minutes) • To introduce in depth the comparative and suoperlative adjectives

The students receive a handout where there are three gap-fill exercises and the speaking part. At the first one, there are twelve adjectives in a box that must be transformed into the comparatives and superlative ones. Then all together, we guess their structure form and write down the rules. I will ask the students what are the comparative and superlative form of bad, good and far. In order to know that the students have grabbed the new grammatical phenomenon, I am goint to write on the board six adjectives transformed into their comparative and superlative form but in the wrong way so to identify their correct form

Semi-controlled practice (11-14 minutes) • To complete the sentences given

At the second exercise, we focus on a table which displays the number of participants, worldwide, in seven different sports. The figures show that football has the highest participation and rugby the least. After that, the students should complete a gap-fill exercise, according to the numbers given on the table. In parallel to this, they will learn different types of comparison by using adverbs and adverbial phrases which modify the adjectives and allow a more accurate comparison; he’s slightly taller than me, they are just as good as they are etc. At the third exercise, they will work individually to complete an exercise about the popularity of different sports, according to them. They, will exchange opinions, later on, by working into small groups.

Group discussion (10-12 minutes) • To ask and answer superlative questions

During this teaching activity, the students will have the opportunity to ask and answer superlative questions regarding the city they are styding. They will work into pairs, at the beginning, and then will join other groups to ask the superlative questions. When all the groups have finished, each group tells the rest of the class about their classmates' most interesting answers.

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