Metwally Ali Metwally Ali

Grammar & Speaking
Elementary Level level


In this lesson, SS practice Grammar ( the superlative adjectives ) as a main aim and speaking as a sub-aim. The lesson starts with setting the context of my family concerning superlative adjectives . I will try to elicit the superlative adjectives from the context. Then ss practice to discover the meaning, the form and pronunciation. More activities given to ss to be sure they understand. Finally, ss are given speaking practice and a productive practice to check fluency and accuracy.


Abc AK
Abc Checking answers handouts
Abc Handout
Abc pictures
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • Grammar
  • • To present the superlative adjectives and to enable ss to express themselves using the superlative adjectives.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide ss with a semi controlled practice about describing their classmates using the superlative adjectives
  • Speaking


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set the context to engage the students.

- T shows three pictures to the ss to elicit some superlative adjectives. - Then T shows ss a context using OHP and at the same time he gives the ss handouts containing the context and asks them to read quickly and answer the question A. Then T check the answers orally on board.

Highlighting target language (4-5 minutes) • To highlight TL so that ss start focus on it.

- T refers to the context again and asks ss to answer question B individually and then they check in pairs after that FB on the board and check understanding the sentences using CCQs. Are husband and wife the same age? Are they the same height? Are the children the same age?

Clarifying the meaning of the target language (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of the structure through marker sentences.

- Ss are asked to start activity C individually which is focusing on meaning. The aim of that exercise is to help ss to elicit the meaning of the superlative adjective. Then, ss start checking in pairs. Finally, T checks the answers on board by asking ss one by one to record the answers on WB.

Clarifying the form of the target language (7-10 minutes) • To clarify the form of the structure through marker sentences.

- T gives ss handouts concerning the form of the superlative adjectives. They are two exercise. They start first exercise D in pairs then they check with teacher orally On WB. After that, T starts activity E on WB and tries to elicit the form of the sentences. [ + ] He is the fastest person in the family. [ - ] …………………………………………………………………………… [ ? ] …………………………………………………………………………… [ + ] She is the most beautiful girl in the family. ………………………………………………………………………………… [ - ] …………………………………………………………………………… [ ? ] ……………………………………………………………………………

Clarifying the pronunciation of the target language (3-4 minutes) • To clarify the pronunciation of the structure through marker sentences.

- After clarifying the form of the marker sentences, T starts clarifying the pronunciation through showing the stressed words then modelling and drilling to ensure the ss pronounce the words well.

Language Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide controlled practice focused on using TL accurately.

- Ss are given a handout and asked to look at the picture then answer the given questions. - T asks students to work in groups and to write down the answers. After that, T asks one from every group to record the answers on WB. - T checks the answers and make any error corrections according to the ss' answers. - Then T gives another controlled practice if there is enough time to check understanding and accuracy.

Speaking Practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide freer speaking practice and use the language productively to check fluency and accuracy

- As the sub-aim of the lesson is speaking, T asks students some questions about the class. Referring to one student .. Are you the tallest one? ( T choose one who isn't the tallest one to answer "No") then asks the whole class, " Who is the tallest one?" then T asks about the oldest and the youngest etc. In that way, T models the activity. Then T lets students start speaking about the other students in pairs . T keeps monitoring and takes notes of any error. After three minutes T starts FB and error correction

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