Lindita ELP Lindita ELP

TP1 - People in Your Life
Beginner, A2 level


In this lesson, students learn to introduce and present people in their lives by using the possessive grammar form. Students also practice their vocabulary and pronunciation.


Abc Course book copies
Abc White board and markers
Abc Course book English Unlimited Elementary

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of possessives in the context of relationships - family members and friends.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice vocabulary and pronunciation.


Warmer using Vocabulary practice (2-5 minutes) • To engage the students and begin with simple introduction of relationships.

On the WB I draw a star-like diagram. Divide the classroom in 4 groups. Then I ask students to imagine that they are having a birthday party this weekend and ask them WHO they would invite to the party. I ask students to write their answers the WB empty slots. I then group the answers into categories - Family, Friends, Colleagues, Acquaintances. and together with students try to group words for each category, using different colours for different categories.

Vocabulary practice - Exercise 1 (5-10 minutes) • Practice vocabulary through listening exercise.

Students receive a copy of the Unit 1.1. of the course book and focus on example 1.a I will group the students in 4 groups and ask them to look at the photos and try to guess who the people are. I give them 1 minute to guess. Then together with the class I discuss the possible answers for the questions. I do not reveal any answers, instead I play the CD audio file 1.7, from which they are instructed to find the answers to the exercise questions. I pause after each conversation so that they can check if they understood and their answers. I repeat each audio conversation twice. Finally we through the answers together, each group answering one question.

Pronunciation - Syllables - Exercise 2. (5-10 minutes) • To learn what are syllables and practice pronunciation.

I write the words "wife" and "brother" on the WB and I say them out loud to show what the syllables are. I explain that words can have 1 or 2 syllables. Then we look at the box in the previous example 1a and I ask students to tell me which words have 1 syllable and which have 2 syllables. To depict their answers,on the WB, I draw 2 columns *("1 Syllable" and "2 Syllables") and I ask one student from each group to come up to the WB and write the words in their respective columns. Then I will ply CD audio file 1.8.

Practice speaking - Exercise 3 (5-10 minutes) • Introduce possessives and practice using them in sentences.

To introduce the term I will hold up my book and slowly in clear English pronunciation say "This is my book" and stress the word "My" so as to refer to something that I have/own. Then I turn to a student, perhaps ask her name if I do not already know it, and with pointing to his/her book I clearly say "This is X's book". Then I ask the students to look at the grammar box and try to recall the first exercise and answer the questions. Finally we go through the answers as a class together.

Grammar practice - Exercise 4 (8-10 minutes) • Practice possesives.

Write on the WB the form of posessives and clearly explain the singular and plural forms and how we use them with examples. I ask questions to see whether they understood my explanation. Keep the writing on the board and distribute the handouts to the students. I focus the students first on the Singular practice section. Sts work in pairs to discuss and answer the questions for 2 minutes. Then I write each question on the board and ask students to answer and write the answer in RED colour on the WB clearly. Now I focus the students on the Plural practice section. Sts work in pairs to discuss and answer the questions for 2 minutes. Then I write each question on the board and ask students to answer and write the answer in GREEN colour on the WB clearly.

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