Roya Roya

Keeping in touch
pre intermediate, B1, Touchstone level


in this unit students will be able to talk about different means of communication and compare them with comparative adjectives. They will also be able to make and manage phone conversations, interrupt and restart them using more, less, and fewer. By the end of this unis they will have learned to read articles about texting and writing articles about pros and cons of texting.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice of conversation about communication using comparative adjectives in the context of communication

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation, linking sentences with correct pronunciation in the context of in communication context


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

After greeting, T says: imagine that you lived 200 years ago, how could you communicate or send information? how about 100 years ago? what changes have been made since then? what are the ways of communicating now? Ss are asked to the board in order to write different means of communication, T elicits these 5 terms: texting, video conferencing, instant messages, social networking, and video calling

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Then Ss open their books, P 97 look at the pictures and with their pairs they talk about each way of communication and then match the pictures with the phrases. This question is on board then: Which of these ways do you use to communicate with other people? Books are closed, Ss are asked to look at the board where they have written different means of communication; then they are asked to talk in pairs about their own preferences and reasons. T writes the name of the people, Ss are asked to listen to the audio and make notes of ways they use communication means and tools (key words) ICQs Then they listen again and complete their notes. Then they pair check, explaining about people's reasons. ( This way they are automatically using the aim language that they will be exposed in the next step.)

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T asks Ss to take a look at the grammar box on page 99 while she is writing a list of short and long adjectives on the board.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

After they are finished, T asks some volunteers to come to the board and write the comparative form explaining the reason T asks some CCQs to make sure all the Ss got the point. These CCQs can be some fill in the blanks Qs, or boarded Qs.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Books are opened and Ss individually do the grammar exercises, and check in pairs when they are finished. ICQs

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ss are divided into 2 groups of 3 or 4, provided with 2 pictures ( 2 cars, food, people etc..) and they are asked to speak and make notes of the sentences they can make with comparative adjectives. Groups choose a presenter to report the other group members. T will do error correction while Ss are making progress

Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with the correct pronunciation while linking sentences

2 sentences are written on the board and Ss with their books closed, read them volunteerly, then they listen to the audio and try to copy the pronunciation. Then T draws arrows on linking words using a different color< so that Ss get the message. linking sounds. CCQs time. {consonant + vowel }. Phonetic writing can be a good idea if Ss are familiar with them. Then Ss listen again and repeat. For part B Ss are first asked o practice reading the questions, then they will listen to the audio and repeat.

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