
Abc handouts from Straightforward student`s book, pictures on worksheets

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a text and look for information and more details to complete the comprehension questions task in the context of life changes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Enable the students to speak and express themselves about the context of the lesson which is life changes


Lead in/warm up (3-5 minutes) • Set lesson context and engage Students

After greeting the Ss T changes the places of some Ss to have the chance to work with new partners. T. asks Ss about whether they like their current life style or if they had the chance to have some changes what would these changes be. Ss discuss in pairs for a couple of mins. Whole class feedback.

pre-teaching vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • Unblock the difficult words in the text that may hinder the Ss understanding

T explain the task to the Ss, and give them instructions about the up coming task. Ss are asked to match the pictures with the possible meaning they have in the worksheet. Ss work in pairs/three Ss depending on the number of the Ss. Ss match the pictures with the words. T monitors to see if they is a word they didn`t understand. Ss check their answers with others groups. T explains the difficult words Ss couldn`t grasp.

reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • Enable the Ss to read and get an overview of the text and understand the overall idea

T asks the Ss to use some key words given in a handout to discuss/ guess what would be the text about. Ss work in pairs. Whole class feedback(brainstorming Ss) T gives Ss some sentences separated and asks them to put them in order to have a logical story. peer checking.

reading for specific information (5-7 minutes) • Enable the Ss to scan the text to get familiarized with the it.

T hangs the paragraphs on the walls and ask the Ss to go around the class and the read every paragraph to be able to answer the true false questions they have. After they finish the do a peer correction to check the answers. Whole class feed back

Reading for details (7-10 minutes) • Enable the Ss to read the text thoroughly and answer the comprehension questions providing justifications from the text

Ss read the text and answer the comprehension questions they have providing justifications. Ss check in pairs. Whole class feedback. answer key will be given.

post- reading/ production (7-10 minutes) • Enable the Ss to react to the text and personalize the topic of life changes

T re-arrange the places of the Ss. Ss are asked to write Zoe`s story in the opposite. She was living in the farm then she moved to live in the city. How would she feel? What are the changes that may happen to her after she moved to the city? which do you think is best, the first version of the story or the one you made? Ss work in groups of four. Context feedback.

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