Emanuela Pellizzetti Tümer Emanuela Pellizzetti Tümer

Teaching practice 7
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will encounter the new topic of transport and its vocabulary. They will learn new lexis and way of saying how they travel every day from a place to another. They will then listen to a radio news report about a strike and they will practice listening for gist and for details. Finally, they will personalize the topic by speaking for fluency about their usual traveling experiences ad ask each other the last time they saw a strike.


Abc Ex.3 - Listening task.

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about a strike in the context of transport

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of types of transport in the context of daily life


Warmer/Lead-in (3-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The topic of the day is different types of transport and being on strike. I will show to the students my Istanbul card (that I usually need to travel throughout Istanbul) and elicit what is it and for what purpose it is used. then I will write on the board the blanks of the word TRANSPORT (9 letters) and elicit from them. (the word doesn't have a plural form) ( Goodmorning/welcome I'll Show the card- What do you know about this? Do you have it too? yes/no What is it for? -probable answers: to use the bus, "metro", tram... Now look at the board, try to guess what is the word and give me some letters. When the word is guessed, I'll praise SS.)

Pre-teaching of vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening and make it accessible - sub aim.

Pre-teaching vocabulary task 1 SS will be given an handout on which they will find different types of transport. They will match in pairs and write the correct name under each picture. Probably they will already know most of the words, for this reason the task will be done in pairs so that they will help each other and check their answers. On the contrary, if some of them may have some doubts, they will benefit from pair work. (this handout shows you different types of transport. Look at the pictures and with your partner fill in the blanks. - 1/2minutes) Meanwhile, I will write the words on the board and get ready to drill the pronunciation several times. Feedback by writing the words in the order they are showed on SS's HO. Pre-teaching vocabulary task 2 As part of the vocabulary comprises the phrases of transport and their synonyms, SS will be given a second handout showing a table of two columns and they will have to match the two ways of saying how to travel. It is going to develop more their lexis and to student-center the task. The feedback will be given as a whole class one, getting involved the SS that are willing to come at the board.

While-Listening #1: for gist. (3-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

SS are now ready to move on to the listening for gist. I will show them the headline of a newspaper and I will elicit the word strike.( to go on a strike). If they don't know, I will explain what is it. (A time when people are not working because they want more money or are angry about something - taken from Oxford's learners elementary dictionary) They will be given an handout and instructions. Verified by ICQS, instructions as follows: (now we will listen to a radio news report of a strike. The reporter will talk to three different people. Listen and try to fill in the table. Section number one: how this person usually goes to work/section number two, how is getting-travelling to work today. What is the radio report about? A strike. How many people are talking? 3. How many section for each person? 2. Peer-check. If necessary, listen twice. The table will be projected on the board (if OHP doesn't work they will be handwritten) and SS will come to write the answers.

While-Listening #2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

Second listening for details and infer meaning. SS will listen to the track again and this time, in order to answer to 5 questions. A second handout will be given, re-typed by me in order to give more chance to the students of writing the answer and take notes if necessary. They will be asked to change their pairs and check their answers. 3 minutes for this second listening. The answers will be written on the board (by them or me, depending on the time) CCQS will be asked to check their understanding. i will try to focus on either stronger or weaker students. (instructions: Now we'll listen carefully one more time to the report. Read this 5 questions on this handout and try to answer. -how many questions? 5 what should we do? answer to the questions. will you listen carefully? yes.)

Post-Listening: speaking freer practice. (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

SS will be divided in 4 groups (or less depending on the number) and will be given a handout with some prompts. They will talk, ask to each other and answer to these questions: 1- How do you usually travel (to go to work, to come to ITI, to visit your family....) 2- What is your favorite type of transport and why? I will give the students the chance to react to what they learned and to speak for fluency. (of their travel habits) I will monitor them and take notes if some mistakes need a delayed correction.

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