Ayşe Cook Ayşe Cook

Future Tenses - Predictions
Intermediate (B1) level


In this lesson, students will learn the difference between "will" and "going to" in the function of "prediction" The class will start with an quick guessing argument on a picture. With this stage, students will meet the word "prediction". I will test their previous knowledge about future tense and clarify the prediction meaning of will and be going to. After a controlled gap-filling practice, students will have and opportunity to improve their fluency in the future tense by productive (speaking) skill stage.


Abc Tapescript chunks
Abc Gap fill HO
Abc Tapescript chunks

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Future Tense "will" and "be going to" in the function of "prediction" in the context of travel and holiday

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency productive skill (speaking) practice of language used for prediction function of "will" and "be going to" in the context of upcoming holiday in Turkey


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher mentions about previous lessons that student have been studying on which the context was holiday. Teacher shows a picture of a man in the sea with a shark right behind him and asks students "Can you guess what will happen next?" Teacher gets the answers (which probably the answers will be the same: "The shark will eat the man") and tells students "so you guessed... What is the another word for guessing?" Either students give the answer "prediction" or not, teacher projects a ppt page that has the word "prediction" with phonemic letters to elicit the meaning. Teacher drills the word for correct pronunciation.

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language "Will" and "be going to"

Teacher shows a HO to students and give the instructions for the task: -Please read the sentences and check the statements underneath the sentences. Work with your partner and try to find the correct statement and underline it. Teacher asks ICQs to make sure students understand the process. -What are we looking for? (Correct statement) - What are we going to to when we find it? (Underline it) The HO contains dialogs/sentences from the previous lesson's tape script. (Straight Forwar, Student Book page 59) Students will find the correct statement underneath every dialog for the guided learning. Statements contains meaning and form eliciting for will and be going to in the function of prediction. See the attached file for the HO. Students will work together on it and they check each others answers.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language "Will" and "be going to" in the function of "prediction"

In this stage will begin with the feedback for the previous task. Teacher will get the answers from the students and project the ppt page for further clarification. When are we using "will" and "be going to"? Do we have strong evidence or not? Is our prediction based on a fact or just a belief? Teacher will highlight the point "if we use " definitely" in the sentence we can also use "will" instead of "be going to" because with this word we add more strong belief into the sentence". Teacher will show the short way to write will (ie. I'll) and provide the connected pronunciation. Teacher will also mention about short and informal pronunciation of "be going to" (ie. I'm gonna)

Language Practice #1 (5-6 minutes) • To provide controlled written practice focused on using "will" and "be going to" accurately

Teacher shows students a gap-fill activity HO and gives the instructions for the task. -We will find the correct form of future tense to fill the blanks. - Please read the sentence carefully and pick either "will" or "be going to" Teacher demonstrates the first sentence and hands the HOs. After students finish their task, teacher asks them to check their answers in pair. After pair check teacher projects the correct answers on the WB and go through quickly by mentioning/reminding important points.

Language Practice #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide freer practice focused on using "will" and "be going to" productively

The teacher asks the students to work in pairs and make predictions about their partners' upcoming "bayram" (a religious holiday in Turkey which usually takes minimum 4 days) plans. Teacher gives 3 minutes to students to talk to each other. The teacher monitors the students during the activity and takes notes about what the students say. The teacher puts the correct form and wrong form examples on the WB and go through with the students as wrap-up and feedback activity.

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