Metwally Ali Metwally Ali

Reading & Speaking ( Television Theories )
Elementary Level level


In this lesson, SS practice reading for gist and specific information as well as speaking. The lesson starts with setting the context of the effects of television by presenting some pictures and eliciting the effects of television on people. Then, SS skim the text to know what it is about. Then a pre-teaching vocabulary done for the difficult words and a matching activity. Then, SS scan the reading text for specific information followed by an exercise to check understanding . Finally, SS practice speaking exercise meanwhile T monitoring them and later gives the feedback on the WB.


Abc Handout
Abc AK
Abc pictures
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice using a text about the effects of television on people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice through controlled practice and freer one.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set the context of television theories

7 pictures show the effect of television on people presented by OHP and SS guess the context of Television.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (7-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of some words for ss to be able to involve and understand.

T elecits the meaning of the words ( theory, crime, headache, hurt, effects, headache, intelligent, lazy, society, fat) first by showing the students pictures for these words, then HO distributed to ss for 3 minutes to work individually then they check in pairs. After that, Ak given to the ss as a FB.

Reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • To make SS ready for reading and to guess the overall idea of the text.

T asks ss the following questions - What is the whole text about? - Is it about bad things or good things about television? T can write these questions on the board to be easier for ss to answer. T asks ss to skim (read quickly the text) to know the answer. - T asks ss some CCQs concerning the overall idea of the text: . What kind of programmes do like to watch on TV? . Is watching television good or bad? Why? - T elicit answers as much as he/she could.

Reading for specific information (5-7 minutes) • To find the main idea of every passage

- T gives ss HO and asks ss to read again the text and to match each sentence to a television theory. - Ss are given around 3 minutes to finish the activity , then ss check their answers in pair and finally T checks the answers on board and makes FB.

Reading for detailed information (5-8 minutes) • To provide ss with detailed information about the whole text.

- T gives HO to ss and asks them to read the whole text and to answer the questions in the HO. - Ss work in groups as they will match the questions with their answers. Then every group go to the other group and check their answer. As a FB T gives ss AK.

Speaking (6-8 minutes) • To develop ss ability to express their opinions and how to justify them.

T divides ss into pairs and tells them that every one will write his opinion about every theory and if he agrees or not with the theory and to justify his/her opinion to his/ her partner. - T writes on WB examples of agreeing and disagreeing and how to give a reason for his/her opinion. S1: What do you think? S2: I agree that …………. . S1: Why do you think that? S2: Because ……………….. . - T monitors ss and writes down any errors, Then T correct the errors on WB and tries to clarify them.

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