Zahra Zahra

Teacher Practice 5 / Writing about 'Your Last Holiday!'
Beginner level


In this lesson, students develop their writing skills and also review lexis related to 'travel' and 'going on holiday', they practice 'reading for gist' as a sub aim as well. The lesson starts by the teacher telling a short story about her last holiday by using some pictures on the projector and through eliciting information from the learners. The lesson is followed by the students being provided with a handout of the teacher's last holiday in more details. After a gist-reading task followed by some questions related to the story, the learners are divided into groups to have a fun activity in which they can learn more words related to the topic. After this stage, they are given enough time to organize their thoughts by answering some questions about their own holiday so that they can start writing a paragraph about it afterward. Finally there will definitely be some feedback and error correction.


Abc Handouts

Main Aims

  • The main aim of the lesson is to give students practıce on 'Writiting'. In particular, by the end of the sesson, learners will have completed a writing task about their last holiday.

Subsidiary Aims

  • 'Reading' has been desined as a sub-aim in order to provide the learners with a model of the task.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To provide the students with an opportunity to review all the lexis related to 'going on holiday' and to build interest in the topic of the lesson.

In order to familiarize the learners with the topic of the task and also to build interest in the activity, the teacher presents some pictures on the projector and tells a story about her last holiday trying to elicit the words and main ideas from the learners. It is also a good time to review the lexis related to the TL. The teacher models and drills full short sentences for newer lexis

Preparing to write (4-5 minutes) • To provide the students with a model of the writing activity

In order to expose them to the type of the text she wants them to write, the teacher provides the students with a handout in which they can read the story of the teacher's last holiday in more details. The teacher presents some detailed questions on the board and asks the students to read the text individually and try to find the answers of the questions , then they check their answers with their partners. It is followed by a WCFB by asking different pairs to answer the questions.

Useful language (5-7 minutes) • To clarify language which learners may find useful for completing the writing task

At this stage, the teacher divides the class into three or four groups depending on the number of the students and gives them a number of verbs and asks them to work in groups and match the verbs with the nouns related to the topic 'Holiday' on the walls around the classroom. The teacher monitors from distance and tries to check their answers. After doing feedback, they are all set for the next stage.

Pre-writing task (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to prepare for the task by organising their ideas and taking motes

The teacher provides them with a handout including some key questions about their last holiday. Now asks the students to think about their OWN last holiday and give short answers to the questions.The teacher monitors the learners in order to offer them support in case they face a problem.

Writing task (12-15 minutes) • To provide the learners to write a paragraph about their last holiday using simple past and all the related lexis they have learned so far.

The teacher gives them a cool handout with a holiday theme and asks them to write what they did on their last holiday using the answers to the questions on the previous handout. The teacher walks around the classroom monitoring the learners and taking notes of the common errors and also some useful language they use in their writing.

Feedback & Error Correction (7-10 minutes) • To allow the learners to compare results of the task and to provide both content and language feedbackon results.

The teacher asks the learners to stick their pieces of writing on the walls all around the classroom so that their peers can read and decide who had the most exciting holiday. In the end, the teacher draws their attention to some of the points she has taken a note of including either their mistakes or the useful language they used in their writing.

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