Abdessamad Hammami Abdessamad Hammami

Viva la danza!
Elementary level


In this lesson Ss will compare and contrast information describing three cities using the jigsaw reading strategy. The lesson starts with a discussion about types of dance music. Then they will read for specific information. It will be a whole class activity. This is followed by jigsaw reading. Ss get into groups. Each group study only one text and answer the questions. Then they go and find partners in the other groups to complete the jigsaw puzzle using their answers. Once they finish, they go back to their home groups to share their findings. Finally, each group will orally describe a city or a town in her/his country.


Abc Handouts
Abc New Headway Student's Book
Abc Video Projector
Abc CD player
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice reading for specific information and for details using the jigsaw reading strategy based on the description of three cities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking for fluency in the context of a description of three cities


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks, 'Do you like dancing? / Who dances? / Are you a good dancer? If so, what kind of dance do you like best? Could you name some local dances? (Fezzani/ Stambeli/ belly dance) Do you like latin dances? Could you name some? T elicits (salsa / flamenco / tango) T asks, 'Look at the pictures of dancers at the foot of each text. Now listen to flamenco, tango and salsa successively and tell me which music goes with which city?' T allots 30 s for peer checking

Pre-Reading (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T asks, 'Where are these cities? What do you know about them?' T projects a picture of Buenos Aires T asks, 'Is it a town?' (No) Is bigger than a town? (Yes) Is it a city? Can it be a capital city like Tunis? (Yes) T says 'In the past it was just a port. Is it a city or a town? (a town) Is it by the sea? (yes) e.g. 'La Goulette is a port.' T 'It gained its independence from Spain' Did it become free? (yes) e.g. 'When did Tunisian get its independence?' (in 1956) T projects Havana and elicits: 'slave' and 'tobacco fields' (a picture will do) CCQs: Someone is a slave: Is s/he free? Is s/he paid for the work s/he does? (No) Is s/he well-treated? (No) Someone is socialist. Does s/he believe that all people are equal? (Yes) Does s/he believe that all people should share the country’s money equally? (Yes) revolution e.g. The Tunisian Revolution Is there a change? (Yes) Will it be a new political system? (Yes)

While-Reading #1 (6-8 minutes) • To practice reading for specific information

T tells Ss, 'to answer Ex 2 they need to read quickly and just look for the key words that feature in the sentences' T makes a demo on how to answer Ex 2 by drawing Ss' attention to the date '1816' as a key element in the sentence; then he asks them just to start looking at the paragraphs one by one (scanning) trying to spot the aforementioned date, which features right in the third line of para 2, text 1. T sets the time (2 min) and asks Ss to do the rest individually. Checking in pairs T projects answer key 'Now check your answers.'

While-Reading #2 (12-15 minutes) • to practice reading for details

T divides the Ss into three different groups. T divides the Ss into three groups. T gives each group a different colour but each member of the same group will have the same colour (for organizational purposes) T makes a demo with the help of two students from two different groups: T gives the two Ss two different texts and reads question1 Ex 4; then asks them 'Let's read our texts individually and ansewr Q1.' (The answer is in para 1 _ easy to spot). Once we finish, T tells them 'Let's exchange information' T says 'Buenos Aires has a population of 3 million; what about your cities?' T says, 'Buenos Aires has got the largest population of all.' T assigns a text to each group. T asks 'Read the questions Ex 4 and read individually your text' T sets the time (3 min) Checking in groups T gives each group an answer key T asks Ss to move to a new group. 'Take 3 min to exchange information about each city.' T asks, 'Now go back to your home groups and tell your group members what you have learned about the other cities.'

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To practice speaking for fluency in the context of a place description

T shows Ss a handout featuring a town in Tunisia and give a very brief description of that town (hitorical background/location) _ a demo T asks three Ss to draw lots and choose a town In groups Ss discuss and build on the notes featuring in the handouts T monitors and takes notes of the common errors to be later corrected as a whiole class activity in an anonymous way.

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