Showing interest
Elementary A2 level


In this lesson students will do some listening for gist and specific information in the context of showing interest. Students will do different listening activities, then move forward a semi-controlled practice to fence the newly acquired structures.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about showing interest in the context of familly and friends

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of showing interest in familly and friends


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Have all students standing in a big circle. - T hands diffrent pictures asking students a couple of related questions: Picture 1: Is this Davut oglu? Where is he from? Picture 2: What part of turkey is this? Picture 3: How old is he? Picture 4: When is his Birthday?

While-Listening #1 Listening for gist (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks.

- Pass out HOs. - T chests the HO. - T mentions that there are four pictures, asks ss to listen and match the picture writing the numbers 1,2,3 or 4. - T ICQs: What are we going to do? Listen * How many pictures are there? Four. * Are we going to write names? No, write numbers. - T plays the audios "1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72" - Have ss checking in pairs. - T chests the HO. - T mentions that there are four questions, asks ss to listen again and circle the correct answer. - T ICQs: * How many pictures are there? Four. What are we going to do? Listen * Are we going to write the answers? No, circle. - T plays the audios "1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72". - Have ss checking in pairs. - WCFB, by randomely giving correct answers to some ss and make them read out loud for the WC.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks.

- Pass out HOs. - T chests the HO. - T there are four responses from the listenig, repeat a word and add a question from the box. - T ICQs: * HOw many responses are there? four. * How many words you will repeat? One word. * where is the question to be filled in the gap? In the box. - T plays the audios " 69, 70, 71, 72 ". - Have ss checking in pairs. - WCFB, ss go to the next room and check answers.

Post-Listening (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to practice some pronunciation and expand on what they've learned

- T displays a set of words " Hungary, Romania, Budapest, Bucharest", models and drill. - T diplays the following sentences: * How old is he? * What part of Romania? * Why do you start so early? * When is his birthday? - T shows the fall and rise of intonation, then uses the back chain technic to practice with WC. - T displays a set of questions. - T randomly selects a student to model with him. -T shows a picture from his phone and make the student ask him about that person using the displayed questions. - Have ss working in pairs asking each other then swap roles. - T ICQs : * Are we going top work alone? No, in groups. *What are we going to do? ask each other then swap roles. - WCFB, by selecting some ss to report to the class their peers' speech.

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