Fatima Fatima

Renting a flat
Elementary level


In this lesson, students practice speaking in the context of renting a flat using thr target language, vocabulary and grammar, covered in the previous two lessons.Students first work with their groups to complete an information gaping activity about choosing a flat to live in with their group.Then they practice writing and vocabulary by working with their groups to draw and name furniture in a blueprint of an empty flat.


Abc Wb
Abc Information gapping handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide a fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of renting a flat.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a vocabulary writing practice in a labelling activity in the context of renting a flat.


Warmer (5-8 minutes) • To activate students' existing knowledge of the flat renting topic

T divides the students into several groups and gives them 2 minutes to choose 2 or 3 vocabulary,from the previous lessons, and 2 or 3 students from each group to come to the board and draw something that the other groups know the word and use it in one example.

Speaking task 1 (10-20 minutes) • To encourage students to use and practice tje target language they learned in the previous lessons and to increase their fluency talking about the flat renting context

T puts students in groups of three.T tells the students that they want to live in one flat together so they will look at three different flats.Students are told that each will get one different flat which their friends can't see. T models the questionare with one of the strong students. An ICQ is: can your friend see your flat? No. T monitors and takes notes of any errors during the task. Having finished, T asks each group to choose the flat they want to live in and why. WCFB: T error corrects and asks each group to share their flat.

Speaking and writing task 2 (10-15 minutes) • To

T tells the students that they will move to a new flat but it has no furniture (empty) but they will have 5o,ooo TL to buy furniture and that they will work with thwir groups to draw furniture and name the rooms in their blueprint. Having finished, students are asked to stick their blueprint somewhere on the wall and look at the different blueprints to choose one from. During the WCFB, errors detected through the monitoring process are corrected and students are asked about their choices and why.

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