Zahra Zahra

Functunal Language: Requests
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn that when we ask someone to do something for us, or ask if we can do something, it's important to sound polite. Students also learn how to ask for permission and make requests in different situations using different forms. This lesson starts with an exercise on the previous "Listening" task in which students are asked to underline examples of the Target Language. This is followed by a gap-filling exercise which draws students' attention to phrases that are used to "make requests" and "ask for permission". Students learn how to give positive or negative polite responses afterwards. They notice the role of "intonation" through the following exercises. Finally there is some controlled practice through some fun activities and free practice via a final role-play speaking activity.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and give practice of polite requests, through a context of a conversation from the previous lesson. They learn that there are many different ways of making polite requests in English and if they do not want to sound rude when speaking English, then they need to know how to make a request in a polite way.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students practice in speaking and making requests and asking for permission in a social context.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To create a positive atmosphere for learning and introduce the theme of the lesson.

1- Show the students something they like (like some bars of chocolate, for example!) and tell them that I will give them to the ones who ask me in a polite way. Get the answers and give the chocolates! 2- Show the students two pictures of a family eating in a restaurant and ask them some questions about the pictures to build the context for them and tell them the lesson will be about polite request.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text.

Give students the text and ask them to underline the target language. Then peer-check and finally will show them the answers on the board and let them to check if they have found all the sentences.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language. MFP

1- Ask students how we make requests, how we want something from others in a polite way. Get some answers. - Write the phrases on the board and how we use them : How we can make questions when we ask someone to do sth: Can you _________ please? Could you _________ please? Do you think you could ____________ please? Do you mind ____________ please? Would you mind ____________ please? Can you give me your pen, please? Sure. Could you give me your pen, please? Yes, of course. Do you think you could give me your pen, please? Yes, certainly Would you mind giving me your pen, please? No,I don’t mind. Can/could + subject + V(bare infinitive or base form) would + subject+ Vingn English are usually made in the form of questions 2- Ask students how we can make questions when we ask for permission to do sth: Can I _________? Could I _________ please? Is it alright / OK if I _________ ? Do you think I could _________ ? Do you mind if I_________ ? I wonder if I could _________ . Can I have your pen, please? Sure! Could I have your pen please? Of course. Is it all right / OK if I have your pen ? No sorry, I need it. Do you think I could have your pen ? I am sorry, I am using it. Do you mind if I have your pen ? No,I don’t mind. I wonder if I have your pen, please. Sure! Here you are. 3- Give students the HO (wb ex 1) 4- Tell students how can we sound more polite: 1. Using please or using could instead of can 2. Using more words e.g. 'Do you think I could...' instead of 'Could I...' 3. Using intonation appropriately. Let students listen some parts of the conversation to hear how they pronounced. Then drill.

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1-Give students the HO (TB p. 33 ex. 3-4) and ask them to do the exercises (correct the sentences and match the questions with the true respond) then Peer-check 2- Ask students to practice the dialog in pairs, concentrating on their intonation and being polite.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language.

Give students Role Play (Ss book p. 33 vocab ex. 4 ) and let them work in pairs. Then whole class Feedback.

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