Nur Sitare Demir Nur Sitare Demir

Young Learners - TP6 - Final Project
A1 level


In this lesson, SS will recap what they have learned through out the course and especially today. It is the last lesson of the day so it will be focusing on the productivity of the SS in the form of a class project. This is also the last TP of the whole course. The students will begin the warm up with "Simon says" game but it will be aiming to trick the SS into making mistakes unless they listen carefully. They will hear an action but the T will model a different action to get them into copying her action instead of using their listening skill. The target language will also be recapped in this activity so it will not be limited only by action but also they will have to focus on colors and adjectives such as; small and big. Later on they will move onto an activity called "guess who". The T will hand out the profile of a character where his physical features and hobbies are listed and will ask the SS to move around the classroom to look at 8 different character pictures. They will have to do a detailed reading so that they can find the correct individual. After that the T will hand out another activity where they will have to color their own character and then write a depictive paragraph about him/her just like the previous model. Finally they will introduce their character to their peers.


Abc Exposure and clarification
Abc Final activity

Main Aims

  • To provide integrated skills practice using a text about a character via the grammar form of "has got"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of colors, adjectives and hobbies in the context of body parts


Warm up/Lead in (1-5 minutes) • To activate sts schemata and build the context

The students will begin the game; "Simon says" but it will be aiming to trick the SS into making mistakes unless they listen carefully. They will hear an action but the T will model a different action to get them into copying her action instead of using their listening skill. The target language will also be recapped in this activity so it will not be limited only by action but also they will have to focus on colors and adjectives such as; small and big.

Exposure and clarification (5-15 minutes) • To further draw students' attention to the TL and prepare sts for the following activity.

Later on they will move onto an activity called "guess who". The T will hand out the profile of a character where his physical features and hobbies are listed and will ask the SS to move around the classroom to look at 8 different character pictures. They will have to do a detailed reading so that they can find the correct individual. T might ask additional questions to check their TL usage and production.

Final activity (5-15 minutes) • To allow sts to produce and use the TL

After that the T will hand out another activity where they will have to color their own character and then write a depictive paragraph about him/her just like the previous model. Finally they will introduce their character to their peers.

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