zain zain

Beginner level


Students review and practice some prepositions: on, in, under and next to, Practice consists of listening practice as well as written controlled activity.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of prepositions: on, in, under and next to in the context of describing Robert's room

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of using where in questions; there is and there are in affirmative and negative questions in the context of Robert's room


Warmer/Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks the sts to state where they. Sts discuss and state simply the meaning of prepositions. T clarifies accordingly.

Review target language (2-4 minutes) • familiarise sts with meaning and use of the four prepositions : on-in-under-next to

T draws a line/lines and a spot on the WB with the spot in different positions to clarify meaning of each prep. sts in pairs discuss and give examples of each.

Useful Language (3-4 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T provides some pictures. Students are expected o guess the meaning. Students are given a chance to discuss meaning in pairs. Volunteers give answers. Teacher corrects, and rectifies pronunciation as necessary.

First written activity (1-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target language and reinforce pre-taught vocab

Sts engage in practice individually. T monitors and clarifies as necessary. Sts compare their answers. WC listens to right answers. T rectifies any mispronunciation, drills if necessary.

Useful language 2 (3-4 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T provides some pictures. Students are expected o guess the meaning. Students are given a chance to discuss meaning in pairs. Volunteers give answers. Teacher corrects, and rectifies pronunciation as necessary

Second oral activity (3-4 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for students to use the prepositions and new taught vocab

T draw sts' attention to speech bubbles. T reminds sts of use of is/are according to singularity and plurality. T and sts engage in drill questions. Answers are given individually. Sts work in pairs ask each other questions and answers. Few volunteers are asked to provide example orally for whole class. T monitors and check for correct use.

Free task (2-3 minutes) • To make use of TL in a real situation and give opportunity to use some of the vocabulary seen in class

T models example by closing his eyes and asking sts to put forward two to 3 Qs. sts are given time to write 3 Qs nd continue working in pairs. T monitors and check for proper use of prep and is/are.

Useful language 3 (2-3 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T provides some pictures. Students are expected o guess the meaning. Teacher corrects, and rectifies pronunciation as necessary.

Information gap activity (3-4 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target language and new taugh vocab

T give divides sts in As and Bs and inform sts about working in pairs. T models the speech bubbles with a students and gives clear instruction. sts work in pairs, T monitors and checks. sts compare their pictures to find the differences.

Listening task (5-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to use the prepositions and new vocab as well as correcting any mispronunciation

T gives clear instruction on how the activity will play out, Class listens to track twice ( three times if necessary). sts check their answers together. Class votes. Answers are checked with whole class.

Sentence structure task (3-4 minutes) • provide an opportunity to use caore preposition; ascertain prepositions position in sentnces; use of there is/ are correctly

T gives instruction on task. Sts engage in task individually. T monitors and check. Collective correction of task by listening to CD,

Last free task (3-4 minutes) • To make use of TL in a real situation and give opportunity to use some of the vocabulary seen in class

T models an example of a couple of Qs with a student. Sts are given time to engage in activity in pairs. T monitors and check for proper use of prep and is/are.

Wrap-up (1-2 minutes) • Review what sts learnt, feedback

Ask few questions about the practice and the course of the lesson.

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