Fatima Fatima

Personal Possessions
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about how to use "have / has got " yes/ no questions and short answers. The lesson starts with a listening exercise aiming to review the positive and negative forms of "have/has to" which they have been previously taught and it aims to expose them to "have/ has got" yes/no questions for the first time as well. Students then complete an open class practice activity of the TL by asking questions about a series of pictures of personal possession items. Finally, students complete a controlled practice and another freer practice for the purpose of providing a practice of the target language.


Abc Handouts
Abc A picture projected of Sally and Bill im the shop
Abc Guess handouts and an audio
Abc WB and a fill gaps handouts
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of of the yes/no questions and short answers of "have/has got" in the context of personal possessions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of personal possessions


Warmer (2-3 minutes) • To re-focus learnrs and establish a connection between the previous lesson and the lesson ahead.

T reminds Sts about Sally and Bill from the previous lesson.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through an exercise and a related listening practice

T shows the picture of Bill and Sally and set the context that they are in a shop answering questions.Then, T gives Sts a related exercise to get them to work in pairs using "has got" or "hasn't got" forms.Finally, students check their answers in pairs while listening to a related audio.

Highlighting (1 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Before listening, Sts are asked to pay attention to the question and answer forms they will be hearing.

Clarification (5-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronounciation of the target language

T elicits some of the questions Sts heard on the listening such as : "Have you got a computer?" T also asks Sts for other questions and they are asked to anticipate the answers.Then, Sts are asked to complete a fill in the gaps exercise with the T eliciting both form and pronounciation of the target language.

Controlled Practice (5-10 minutes) • To concept check and consolidate understanding

Sts are asked to complete a making questions exercise and check their answers in pairs. Then, Sts go back to a previous exercise to practice making questions about but in groups.

Freer practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide studenys with free practice of the target language

T provides two freer practices. The first includes a "find someone who" activity for a list of a personal possessions items provided as handouts to the Sts. The second involves an illustrarion for what the word "twin" means followed by a "memory " activity for a number of items Sts see in twins rooms.Both practices aim at helping Sts to imploy the target language they learned in a natural and free context.

Wrap up (2-5 minutes) • To ensure that the aims of the lesson have been clearly communicated and understood

T writes on the WB: 1. What was the topic of today's lesson? 2. What grammar was studied in the class? 3. When do we use it? Sts discuss the answers in pairs before WCFB takes place.

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