Baoyan Lin Baoyan Lin

Lies - vocabulary
B2 level


In this lesson, Ss will be discuss about different types of lies, and through discussion, main vocabulary will be draw out of them and MFP will be presented. They will then be given controlled task to practise their TLs, so supports and feedback can be provided after that.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of different types of lexical items related to the context of lying.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency of speaking practice in the discussions in the context of types of lies.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will act very excited in front of the Ss and tells them a lie about the fact that I won a lottery worth $10,000 and asks them do they believe it? If not, why not? -Which type of lie is that? -Is it a big or small lie? -T elicit lie/lying by the use of CCQs to confirm all Ss understand. -Is lying appropriate? (no) -Are you telling the truth? (no) -If you are a liar, are you trustworthy? -If they can't guess, T tells Ss today's lesson context is about lies.

Building context (4-6 minutes) • To narrow context to a more specific area and continue to generate interest while establishing a clear and specific context for the language to arise out of.

-T projects these questions on the board and asks Ss to discuss in pairs about: Do people lie? Why do people lie? Think of as many words as you can, when you hear the word 'lie'. -Then T asks Ss to come up to the board and write at least three things related to 'lie'.

Presentation (8-10 minutes) • To clarify meaning so learners understand it. To clarify the pronunciation so learners know how to say it. To clarify form so that learners know how to construct it.

-T asks Ss to work individually and match the meaning to the vocabulary and come up with the form of these words. (T gives 2 mins to complete) ICQs: Will you show your answers| (No) Are you matching the word to the meaning? How many minutes do you have? -T asks Ss to PC. -T gives WCFB: project the words and meanings and tells Ss to come up to the board and match them. CCQs: How do you know it a _____? Is it a small or big lie? -T then models and drills these vocabulary. T asks Ss 'can lies be small and big?' -T gives individual S 1 mins to place the 6 lies from small to big in the cline on the HO provide. -T gets Ss to PC -T asks Ss to get up to the board and write out the order. -T then discuss with the Ss how did they know?

Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide controlled oral practce focused on suing the language accurately.

T gives cut out words and examples to match in pairs for 2 mins. T gives WCFB - elicit answers from Ss and ask them why is it a______?

Free practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T tells all Ss to answer the questions in the survey, whether they have said it in the past or make it up, it doesn't matter, give them 3 minutes to write it down. -T name Ss black and white. -T tells Ss 'black' to ask those 6 questions, Ss 'white' will have to answer it. ICQs: S black identify yourself: Are you going to ask or answer questions? Do you ask all or some questions? S white identify yourself: Are you going to ask or answer questions? Do you answer all or some questions? Then after 4 minutes, T asks them to swap role and gives them 4 minutes to talk. -T reminds Ss to pay extra attention to their partner's answers, they will need to share it with the whole class later. -T monitors and take notes for later EC during WCFB.

Extra task (3-6 minutes) • Just in case Ss finish quicker.

-Ss come up with 3 or more examples and their partner will have to guess the type of lie. -WCFB

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