Modals of Speculation
Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of language used for Modal of Speculations in the past in the context of News headlines
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of n
Procedure (45-59 minutes)
-T tells students that they are going to listen to news about a box of snakes found on the highway. -T asks SS to make their own speculations about the news they have listened. -T asks SS to take notes in case they need to. - T plays the recording 22.22.
-T hands SS a text to help them. - T projects power point slide board that has sentences to help students. - T tries to elicit TL from student, so they can use it. - T instructs SS to work in pairs to make guessing about what could have happened. - T divides SS into two groups and each make their own speculations. - T instructs SS to appoint some one from their group to share there speculations. - T may plays the news again in case students need more help. -WCFB
- Model the marker sentence on board. - T elicits TL from students - WCFB
- T models the marker sentence on board. - T clarifies the meaning. - T checks the concept - T clarifies the form. - T clarifies the pronunciation
- T instructs SS that they are going to do a practice. - T instructs SS that they are going to work individually first., then they can work in pairs to compare their answers. - T hands SS controlled practice. - WCFB - T projects the answers on board.
- T instructs SS that they are going to work in pairs to do another practice. -T hands SS semi-controlled practice. - T instructs SS to work individually first, then compare their answers with a partner. - WCFB -T projects the answers on board.
- T divides SS into groups - T instructs SS that they are going to read different reading text, and they have to make their own speculations. - T hands semi-controlled practice. - T instructs SS to appoint one member in their group to other groups to share their speculations. - WCFB