Maria Angelica Brandares Maria Angelica Brandares

Grammar and Speaking
Elementary level


The student will learn the impersonal pronoun "it" and subsequently use it in the sentence.


Abc Book - Global, Elementary Coursebook
Abc Gap-fill HO
Abc Material spoken by the Ss
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • Grammar: To provide clarification, review and practice to the impersonal pronoun, "it".

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking: To provide speaking activities for Ss using the impersonal pronoun, IT.


Warmer / Lead - in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Teacher will show photos related to birthday party. Teacher will then elicit the word birthday party to the Ss. What can you see in the photo? What kind of occasion is it? Is it a happy occasion? Why?

Grammar (8-15 minutes) • To teach Ss lesson about grammar - impersonal pronoun, IT.

- Explain Ss the function of the impersonal pronoun, IT. - Show example sentences using the impersonal pronoun, IT. - Set Ss in pairs and give instructions about the first activity. 1st Activity - Pass the HO and instruct Ss: The conversations are missing the word "it". Complete them by putting "it" in the correct places.. - Ss to answer the task in pairs and the whole class after for feedback. - Project the activity on the whiteboard and ask Ss to go to the board and correct the sentences. - Conduct peer correction and give feedback to the whole class after Ss corrected all the sentences. 2nd Activity - Divide the whole class in 2 groups. - Give 5 sentences to each group and ask them to categorize if it is right or wrong sentences. If it is wrong, they have to correct and revise the sentence. - Ask Ss to go to the board and put their answers. - Conduct peer correction and give feedback to the whole class after Ss corrected all the sentences. 3rd Activity - Set Ss in pais and give instructions about the 3rd activity. - Pass the HO and ask Ss to write what they think “it” refers to in the sentences. Example: It’s very sunny today. The weather. - Project the activity on the whiteboard and ask Ss to go to the board and answer the question. - Conduct peer correction and give feedback to the whole class after Ss corrected all the sentences.

Controlled Practice (10-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice.

- Ask students to work individually at first. - Pass the HO and ask Ss to fill in the blanks. - After answering the task individually, Ss to compare answers to their partner. - Project the activity in the whiteboard and ask Ss to go to the board to fill the blanks with the correct answer. - Ss check the answer together and then do whole class feedback by writing the answers on the whiteboard.

Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss their most memorable birthday. - Ss need to use the impersonal prounoun "it" in their sentences.

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