Shaaban Othman Shaaban Othman

B1 level


In this lesson, students will practice and develop reading and speaking skills in the context of an article about a place tourists visit in Peru. The lesson will start with a lead-in activity to set the context and get students engaged, and then pre-reading, while reading and post reading activities will take place.


Abc Reading text

Main Aims

  • • To give students practice in reading for gist and specific information in the context of an article about a place tourists visit in Peru.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will develop speaking skill and review vocabulary related to tourist places and activities.


Lead in (5 minutes) • To set a context and engage students.

. Ss see photos of some different places tourists visit around the world. . Ss say where these places are.

Pre-reading (7 minutes) • To activate Students' schemata

- Ss work in pairs to discuss questions related to tourist activities in their country. - Teacher monitors to check that all students are speaking and give help when it is necessary. - Open -class feedback.

Reading for gist (10 minutes) • To get students to skim the article to find some words.

- Ss work in pairs to think about the words in the box whether they are related to the article or not and why. - Teacher monitors to make sure that everybody talks. - Ss skim the article to make sure that these words are already there. - Elicit answers and review related vocabulary. - Give feedback.

Reading for Specific information (10 minutes) • To get students to scan the article to say if the sentences are true or false and correct the false ones.

-Ss work individually to say if the sentences are right or wrong. - Ss do Pair - correction. - Give feedback - Ss work in pairs to correct the false sentences. - Give feedback.

Post-reading (13 minutes) • To get students to have a free practice talking about their views towards the cable car.

- Ss work in groups and underline the arguments for or against the cable car. - Ss discuss these views and say whether they agree or disagree with and what if they had a cable car in their city. - Teacher monitors to make sure that everyone is taking part in the discussion and notices students errors for delayed error correction. - Open - class discussion - Give feedback on language and content

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