Reading: Films
Elementary, A2 level
Main Aims
To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about James Bond in the context of "Films"
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of types of films
Procedure (29-45 minutes)
T starts the lesson by projecting a short video about film genres in order to increase the students' interest in the topic.
- T projects pictures of James Bond's films. - T asks students to work in groups of four to predict five words or expressions about James Bond that might be in the text. - After finishing discussion, T asks each group about their predictions and stick segments on WB.
- T sets a task of matching film genres with the correct pictures. - T gives HO1 to students to do the activity individually, then they pair-check with a partner and finally the teacher shows the answers on WB.
- T writes difficult vocabulary on the WB, then shows pictures. - T asks Ss to work in pairs to think and match words with the pictures. - T drills and focuses on "climbing, accident and license". - T teaches the word "spy" as a synonym of "secret agent".
- T sets a task of gist reading in order to choose the best title for the text. - T writes three titles on WB. - Then, T gives HO2 to SS and asks them to read the text quickly and individually to choose the best title. - Ss discuss titles with a partner. - T ticks the correct title on WB.
- T sets a task of scan reading for specific information about dates and places. - T asks students to scan read the text quickly and answer the questions about dates and places and gives Ss (HO3) which contains the 3 questions. - Ss pair-check the answers with a partner. - T asks 3 Ss to write answers on WB.
- T sets a detail reading task for comprehension. - T asks Ss to read the text again in detail and answer the questions about James Bond. - T gives the questions to Ss to answer individually (HO4). - Ss check answers with a partner. - T asks a student of each pair to write one answer on WB.
-T sets a speaking task for students to talk about films. - T divides Ss into groups of 4 (A,B,C,D). - T asks Ss to talk and discuss in pairs (As,Bs,Cs,Ds) about (their favorite films, what types are they? and what are the main ideas of the films?) - When Ss finish discussion, T asks Ss to share their ideas with the class.