Identity Theft! Reading & Vocab - verbs and prepositions
Upper-Intermediate, B-2 level
Main Aims
To provide gist, scan, and detailed reading in the context of identity theft with 3 related practices with a mix a pair and group work.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide vocabulary clarification, review and 2 practices based on the identity theft reading. The lesson will be based on verbs and prepositions.
Procedure (40-52 minutes)
Show a tiler clip from the movie "Identity Thief". Inst - Watch the video clip. What do you think this movie is about? Identity theft! Inst - HO#1 (Ex#1) - Work in Pairs and talk about the questions, discuss your answers. HO#1 > PW WCFB - Nominate Ss for interesting answers Inst - How do you feel about Identity theft?
Inst - PW - With your PARTNER, TALK about what you know about identity theft? Do you know of anyone this happened to? What happened? If not, what do you think would happen?
Inst - By yourself, READ the story about a law firm advertisement about protecting your identity. Find how many things we've discussed that are written on the WB. HO#2 - TEXT Inst - work in PW and discuss your answers. WCFB - What did you find on the WB? - What did find that wasn't on the WB? Anything surprising?
Inst - Turn over HO#1 - By YOURSELF, READ the 4 questions. THEN RE-READ HO#2(text) - By yourself, WRITE the answers to the questions. NEW PAIRS - Inst - pick on piece of paper from the bowl, find the person who has the same number as you. Now sit next to each other. Inst - PW - with your new partner, DISCUSS your answers. T-S - Nominate Ss to share their answers. Anyone have anything different?
Inst - Please look at the story on HO#2. Find the verbs in BOLD type. By yourself, Fill in the 6 blanks with the correct preposition. (sth=something, sb=somebody). Give HO#3 NEW PAIRS - Have colored paper in bowl, have them pick colors, group colors in 2-3 groups depending on class size. PW - Inst - In your groups, please DISCUSS and check your answers. Monitor and look for errors, do delayed error FB if any found Inst - Please look at the story on HO#2, Ex. C. Find the verbs in ITALIC type. By yourself, Fill in the 6 blanks with the correct preposition. (sth=something, sb=somebody). PW - Inst - In your groups, please DISCUSS and check your answers. Monitor and look for errors, do delayed error FB if any found Inst - In your groups, fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb (in brackets) and the correct preposition. PW - Inst - In your groups, please DISCUSS and check your answers. Monitor and look for errors, do delayed error FB if any found