Chnour Chnour

house stuff. countable and uncountable, How much and How many
Elementry A2 level


In this lesson, the students are going to review countable and uncountable nouns and learn how to ask question with How many and How much. the lesson starts with a short discussion about kitchen utilities which the teacher shows to the class and it is followed by some tasks which make the students review the Countable or Uncountable nouns and make questions with how much and how many.


Abc Realia, some kitchen utilities, a picture,handouts.

Main Aims

  • Grammar, the correct usage of How much and How many

Subsidiary Aims

  • listening and speaking. To give a chance to students to use the Grammar in thier daily routines.


Warmer/ lead in (3-4 minutes) • to provide clarification of How many and How much and when to use Countable ,Uncountable nouns.

- T puts a table in the middle of the class that there are different countable and uncountable things on it. - T asks them what they see. - Students may tell the names of objects only. - T elicit some/any. (affirmative,negative,question). - T asks students to work in pairs about what they see.

listening for gist (5-7 minutes) • To improve the skill of listening by making the task purposeful

-T gives students a piece of paper with three questions -T tells students that they are going to listen to the conversation and answer the questions. - T asks the whole class to check their answers in pairs and share them with class.

Listening for details • To improve their listening for details

- T tells students they are going to listen again for specific information and fill in the gaps individually. CCQs: - T asks "Why do we listen?" - T asks "do we need to understand whole conversation or just some specific information?" - T asks "Do we show our paper to our partner?" - T plays the audio -T asks students to check their answers with their partner. -T asks some of the students to write answers on the board.

Highlighting target language. (4-6 minutes) • To draw student's attention to the target language.

- T put students in groups of two. - T gives students a hand out with two questions and two different answers on each. - T asks each group to fill in the gaps. - T asks group A to ask the question and asks group B to answer.then group B asks question and group A answers.

Clarifying target language. (7-10 minutes) • To provide clarification on the grammar.

- T shows the form of the grammar through projector - T licit the rules. - Students find out the rules. - T gives two questions.( we use ........................with countable nouns .we use .............................. with uncountable nouns).

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To get the students to practise and improve TL.

- T asks students to make five questions on their own using How many/How much and words they have already learnt. - T asks them to do the activity individually. - T asks CCQs. how many questions do you write? -T asks CCQs .Do you make questions using how many and how much? - T gets students to ask their partner.

Free speaking task. (6-8 minutes) • To provide an oppertunity to practise the target language through the productive skill of speaking.

- T puts the students in groups of four . - T shows them a picture of furniture shop via projector. - T asks students to imagine they are in that shop and chooses on shopkeeper,one cashiers and two customers. - T asks students to play their roles using how many /how much and vocabulary they have already learnt. - the students ask and answer their questions in their groups.

Feedback error correction. (1-2 minutes) • To make the students to work on thier own errors and master it

If any,T writes some mistakes on the board and the students elicit the correct form and meaning.

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