Fatin Alraei Fatin Alraei

Skills: Listening, Vocabulary: Time Phrases
A1 level


In this lesson, students will review talking about their daily routines using the present simple and the correct time phrases. Students would practise the usage and pronunciation of theses time phrases in pairs and in groups for extra reinforcement. They would then practice listening to a daily routine for another person as a lead-in (preparation) for the coming lesson, which is about asking questions using the simple present form, and later on this week, they will be introduced to the 3rd person present simple form.


Abc colored cards, audios
Abc Gap-fill handout, face to face student's book, projector

Main Aims

  • To provide more practice on listening for specific information

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of the right usage of time phrases in the context of speaking about daily routines.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will come to the class holding a cup of coffee and a pillow and ask questions like: When do I drink coffee? (projecting the word "when") in the morning When do I need this? (pointing at the pillow, and projecting the word "night" at night I will model and then throw the ball at them to exchange different daily routines amongst them to review and use what they have studied yesterday.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-15 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups; each of them will be given cut-ups for different time phrases to be placed under the right column of the table she will post on different parts of the class. The Ss will work together given 2 minutes, and then go around to check each others' answers. The teacher would give them an answer key to self-check their answers and then reinforce the usage of each one as a W/C FB. As a follow-up for this, the Ss would work individually on Ex. 2 a to fill in the gaps using the right preposition of time. They will be given 1 minute to check with a partner. In pairs, they will discuss for 2 minutes what is true for them amongst theses sentences and practice speaking about daily routines which they will be listening to in the audio. The teacher would use the picture in the book to elicit from the students some information, e.g. Do you know anyone in the picture? Yes, Carol. Are they friends? Yes Where are they? in a park/outside Do they work? No Do you think it is a weekend? Yes What are they doing? They are having breakfast

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information reading/listening tasks

The teacher would ask the students to read Ex.3 a individually in a minute. The teacher would make sure the Ss know how to pronounce the word cappuccino and espresso, for them to be able to choose the right answer. The teacher asks them to answer individually. The students peer-check and get the FB as a whole class. The Ss read Ex. b silently for 30 seconds. The teacher highlights some key words on the WB, e.g. work, in the week, Manchester, free time explaining that they will find information about these key points. The teacher will play the audio and pause it after the answers of the 1st 3 answers are mentioned. The Ss would peer-check their answers. The teacher would resume the audio for them to find the answers for the rest of the answers. They compare their answers in pairs. The teacher projects the answers for further discussion.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to expand on what they've learned

The teacher would demonstrate on the board writing a wrong sentence on the board (using a wrong time phrase). The Ss are asked to prepare in pairs 3 wrong statements in 2 minutes. The Ss swap their papers with another pair. They ask each other by reading the sentence for the partner, who is supposed to find the error in the sentence.

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