Sean Sullivan Sean Sullivan

Breakfast Foods - Listening & Vocab
Elementary, A-2 level


In this lesson, Students will learn about common breakfast foods. The lesson will be introduced with pictures of my own breakfasts, this will lead to a vocab lesson teaching common breakfast items with some pre-teaching about "a type of" and "dairy products". This will be followed by tow listening exercises focusing on An English Breakfast. Then followed up by controlled and freer practice.


Main Aims

  • To provide specific information, gist and detailed listening practice from audio that includes multiple, common breakfast foods such as, bread, cheese, milk, juice, eggs, etc. and coupling them with the context and phrases learned in the earlier vocab segment. This will be followed by a controlled practice and freer practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The provide clarification and short practice on vocab and phrases such as, "a type of" and "dairy product" in the context of the listening.
  • To provide clarification


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students with the subject of breakfast foods and popular breakfasts from around the globe.

I will use the OHP to show two pictures of my personal breakfasts plates. I will elicit what meal they think this is and through a story of my favorite meal of the day. I will ask them to try and identify some of the items as a WC and lead into the next slide of popular, individual breakfast foods and beverages. What do you think this is? Is it a meal? Which meal? Where do you think each one of these is from? What are some of the foods you see?

Vocab - Sub aim (10-15 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible and enable to understanding on the upcoming listening stages

Give clear instructions for eliciting on HO#1 - "Look at the pictures and fill in the missing letters to make the name for each item." I will monitor them individually to see how well the Ss know each breakfast item. -Pair Check - "Check with your partner and see what answers you have" -Play audio track 2.08 stating each name. -Pull up Slide #2 with the same pictures of food. -I will pick Ss to go to the WB - "Fill in the missing letters for each item" -Drill - Pronounce each food and repeat, correct where necessary -Circle - juice, cup of tea, and coffee -Elicit - "What do these have in common"? - Lead to drink or liquid - and write "a type of" on the WB -CCQ - "Is bread a type of drink"? (No) -Circle - milk and cheese -Elicit - "What do these have in common"? - "What animal do they come from"? -Slide#3 - A cow - "What do they call the place where many cows live"? -Slide#4 - A dairy farm - Lead them from farm to dairy farm...Write Dairy Farm on the WB - write "a type of" on the WB -CCQ - "Do bananas come from a cow"? (No) - "Does a food or drink have to come from a cow to be a dairy product? (Yes) -Slide#5 - Slide #2 again of foo and drink items -PW - "With your partner, talk and check if there is another "type of drink"? -FB - Have a S answer "milk" - -PW - "With your partner, talk and check if there is another "type of dairy product"? - FB - Have a S answer "butter" (I'm not going to do eggs, because it will confuse them!)

While-Reading / Listening #1 - Gist (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading / listening tasks

-Clear instruction - "Quickly read the handout and look at the breakfast dishes." Number the breakfasts from 1-4 in the order you hear them." "You have 1 minute to read." -ICQ - How many breakfast dishes will you hear and number? -Pass out HO#2 -Play Audio 2.09 -ICQ - "Would you like to hear it again"? -Re-play audio if necessary -PW - "Please check your answers with your partner" -Monitor - Monitor each pair and listen and uncover any issues -Pick 4 early finishers to write the answers on the WB -WC FB

While-Reading/Listening #2 - Detail Stage (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

-Clear instruction - "Listen to the audio again." Mark the breakfasts from A-D with the letter of the matching breakfast to the breakfast name on your handout, underneath the picture." -ICQ - Will you use letters or numbers? -Give HO#3 -Play Audio 2.09 -ICQ - "Would you like to hear it again"? -Re-play audio if necessary -PW - "Please check your answers with your partner" -Monitor - Monitor each pair and listen and uncover any issues -Pick 4 early finishers to write the answers on the WB -WC FB -If Errors - Pull up Slide #8 with audioscript

Post-Reading/Listening - Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned and use the TL in a freer practice

-Pull up slide #9 - Read the instructions clearly from the slide. -Demo exercise with strong student -"Please stand up and walk around the room and talk with each other. -Ask each of your classmates… 1) What do you eat for breakfast? 2) Do you like that breakfast? 3) Compare what is similar? 4) What is the most similar breakfast food & drinks you all have in common? -Monitor - the WC from mingle exercise. -Provide delayed error correction if needed and look for similarities. Slide #10 to end

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