Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide review and practice of Present Simple: positive and negative (third person) in the context of free-time and daily activities
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Daily routine and freetime-activities
Procedure (34-44 minutes)
Ss are asked in groups to match a number of cut up papers with pictures and their associating verb on them. The group that finishes first is asked to go to the board and do the same thing on the board. Upon the completion of the board task, other groups are asked to work together and check their own matches.
The Ss are asked to give T two sentences about other Ss in the class using the verbs "work" and "watch". The sentences go on the board. If there are no negative sentences, T will write one based on what is on the board already. The meaning of each sentence is elicited from the Ss. T will introduce the word "infinitive" here. HO1 is instructed and distributed for the Ss to complete the form of Present Simple: positive and negative (3rd person) in part A. The answers are checked in pairs and then with the board. The sentences on the board are also used to check the form again. If there are people who do not understand it, T will go back to the HO or ask new sentences from Ss about other Ss and analyze that. Upon completion, the Ss are asked to move to part B, which is a spelling practice of 3rd person verbs in Present Simple. The Ss are asked to work in pairs and answer together, then check their answers with their group and then with the board.
The Ss are given a passage. HO1 (page 2), with its verbs in parenthesis and blanks for them to complete, figuring out where and how they turn an infinitive into a third person verb. The activity is done individually, checked in pairs and then the answers are checked with the board. T will monitor to find common mistakes and if there are any, they will be corrected on the board.
The Ss are asked to find two positive sentences and change them to negative, two negative sentences and change them to positive, writing them on the back of HO2. The answers are checked in pairs and if someone has a problem, it is taken to the board. The complete answers go on the board and Ss are asked to check.
Ss are given a HO with second halves of sentences on it. e.g. _________________ tennis. (play) Ss are briefly re-introduced to "Do you..." for the question form and are instructed to ask other Ss if they do that activity (in the given time) or not and take notes of their answers. The sittings are changed into one or two large Us, depending on the number of the Ss, but this time, the chairs are facing each other two by two. Each pair is assigned number 1 and 2 inside of them and it is instructed that when their number is said, they all move one seat forward. While sat down, Ss are supposed to ask as many questions as they can, one by one. T will monitor and take notes of the common mistakes and will also correct some of them on the spot if possible.
Game "Guess My Crazy Habit?" Ss are given pieces of numbered papers, each containing an unusual habit such as: I always phone my friends at 4 am. I never brush my teeth. I always sleep at 9 am and get up at 6 pm. I study with closed eyes. I eat dinner in the morning. I eat breakfast at night. They go around the class and ask people about their daily routines, using the verbs on the board, and when they hear their unusual (crazy) habit, they will write it down. The more crazy habits they find, the bigger their score will be. Instructions say that Ss have to change partners upon hearing a specific sound (a squeaky toy).
T asks some Ss (depending on time) to write some of the Crazy Habits they found out on the board. T will then ask the student(s) who has(have) said that habit in the previous game whether or not they really have it. Their answer will be no and T asks for everyone to change the sentence on the board into negative.