Zinat Zinat

Beginners (A1) level


In this lesson, Ss are going to learn about Present Simple tense. The context of the lesson is a short text with gap-filling exercises and a related listening task which is designed to help Ss check themselves. After W and L activities, there will be a controlled practice in which Ss are required to write negative forms of the sentences in present simple. In the end, there will be a freer practice which demands Ss to produce positive and negative simple present sentences and then practice them orally with a partner.


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Main Aims

  • The main focus of this lesson is on grammar and the target language is present simple tense. The lesson starts with a controlled written and oral practice which is followed by a listening that supports Ss to check their answers on their own instead of T’s interference. The following exercise is also a controlled written task which will be assisted by T and checked by WC discussion. After sufficient practice, students will be prepared to have a freer practice in which they are required to employ both forms of the simple present tense in speaking.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The secondary aim of this lesson is to practice speaking. This task is fitted into the last activity in which Ss will have freer practice. S skill will be practiced in PW interaction.


Stage1- Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To elicit vocabulary and prepare Ss for next stages

Ss will be shown a picture of Melbourne in Australia with the photo of Sandra on the right. They will be asked to guess where it is and what Sandra does there. Although, they might see the words in the exercise, the aim of this activity is to only make them ready for the next stage of the activity.

stage2- Controlled Written Task (5-7 minutes) • To get Ss use their knowledge of language function

Ss work solo to complete the text with the right forms of the verbs given at the beginning of the text. After all Ss have filled the gaps, the audio recording will be played so that they can check their answers. This part will be done with the minimum interference of the T. In the end, the WC will be asked to say the answers out-loud while the T is writing them down on the WB.

Stage 3- Personalized Controlled Writing (10-15 minutes) • To expand the previous task in a personalized manner

Ss are supposed to read eight sentences and check if they are true for them or not. They tick the true answers and for false sentences, they need to write the negative form of the sentences. They do this exercise on their own. Then, they work in groups and say their sentenced to each other. They also decide in pairs how many similar sentences they have. Afterwards, each pair should read two of the similar sentences to the class using pronoun 'we'.

Stage4- Freer practice (15-20 minutes) • To get the Ss use the grammar points in the context of their real-life

The T establishes the activity by writing model sentences on the WC. Ss will be informed that these sentences are about the T. Then, they are asked to guess which ones are true and which ones are false for the T. Then, Ss will be asked to work on their own and write three true and three false sentences for themselves in the HO. The T drills the sentences in the speech bubbles to remind Ss of the language they need to do the exercise. The Ss will be paired in new groups of As and Bs. Student As read their sentences and student Bs decide if they are true or false and tells his/her opinion by using the functional language support given to them in the HO and also on the WB.. They change roles and repeat the same practice. In the end, all Ss have the chance to read one true sentence about themselves to the WC.

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