Omar Espinola-Engin Omar Espinola-Engin


Abc Summer Holiday Vocabulary and Reading Exercise

Main Aims

  • Students will practice gist and intensive reading skills in the context of planning a vacation

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide clarification of collocations in the context of planning a vacation


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context to planning a trip.

- T elicits some responses from Ss about previous lesson about journeys and vacations. - what some place in Turkey you guys discussed traveling to. - what is another name for a "place" try to elicit destination. - We will how you plan a trip. - T ask Ss to work and pairs and discuss their last trip.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- While Ss are discussing past experiences about trips they have taken, T puts up different phases of a trip that are out of order. - Read some holiday brochures - Choose a destination - Pay a deposit for the Resort - Book a flight - Pack your suitcase - Fly to destination - Arrive at Resort - Enjoy your vacation - Check out of resort - T asks Ss to work in a pair and put the different parts of the trip in the correct order beginning from first to last. - ICQ's: will you work by your self or in a pair - ICQ's: how will your order this: from start to finish - T answers any vocabulary Qs Ss may have about exercise. - T explains vocabulary phrases by comparing them to the different stages of vacation planning - looking through = reading - turn up = happened unexpectedly - last minute bargain = cheap - get round to - travel light = backing a small bag - leave things to the last minute = not well prepared - Comfortable = settled into

Reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading task

- T asks gives HO (questionnaire) to Ss, the title of HO will be missing - T will provide 3 title options on WB - Ss will read questionnaire quickly and guess what the title of the questionnaire is. - 1. What kind of holiday person are you? - 2. What kind of holiday destination is best for you. - 3. You should never go on a holiday - T will ask Ss ICQs - Read by your self - Will you read for a long time or quickly - Are you answering the questions or are you guessing the title

Detailed reading questionnaire (travel planning) (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading (questionnaire)

- T will ask Ss to read the questionnaire by self and answer the 5 questions. T reminds Ss that these questions are about them selves. - ICQ: will you read in pairs or by your self. How many questions are you answering - Once Ss are done the questionnaire, T puts Ss in group to discuss their answers - - Teacher will provide HO answer key, Ss will see that kind of vacation planner they are.

Specific reading (6-8 minutes) • For ss to practice reading for specific detail.

- Ss will re-read the questionnaire and complete reading exercise 3 on pg 56 - Ss will work in groups compare answers - T will put answers on the WB and allow students to compare

Post-Reading/feedback (5-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- Ss with their partners talk about how they would plan a trip using TL - T reminds them to use TL - "get round to it" - I would shop for a last minute bargain - would you "travel light" - T walks around listening to Ss and writes down any mistakes - T presents errors on WB, Ss correct

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