Arian Jamil Koroghli Arian Jamil Koroghli

Failure and success
B1+(Intermediate) level


In this lesson SS are going to learn how to use "be abe to" in different tenses and forms that "can/can't" cannot be used. The main context is about failure and success, and the new grammar will be presented through an article about three people who tried to learn something. SS will practice TL through reading and speaking activvities in the first half of the lesson. Then, SS are going to focus on vocabulary, adjectives, in the next half of the lesson.


Watch?v=3zyaz5ee4xa?size=16&default=html HO
Abc FB on WB

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification between can, could and be able to.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency in using can, could and be able to.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I am going to show the word "success (n.)" on the WB to ask SS about its opposite and other parts of the speech like adjective and verb. SS are going to tell the place of the stress in the words then they will drill them for the sake of pronunciation.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

HO will be passed among SS. I am going to ask SS to get into pairs and think about the meaning of the well-known saying and match the suitable sentence to continue it. Then they are going to have peer check their answers.

Pre-reading (1 minutes) • Engaging SS with the context

To check the students' understanding I'll use CCQs to be sure to pass this stage. Like: - Some pictures with written sentences below (She is able to cook). T: Can she cook? (He is not able to drive). T: Can he drive? SS are going to read the text and answer the questions in the next stage.

While-reading (3-5 minutes) • To find specific information to answer the questions

HOs will be passed among SS. I am going to give SS a sense of purpose for reading. Then they will read the text in order to complete the sentences in the text by reading in detail. After completing the sentences they will check their answers with their peer. The answer key will be given to them.

While-reading (3-5 minutes) • To find specific information to answer the questions

SS are going to read thee text again and answer the questions about three people who they were successful or not. After that, they will check their answers with their peer.

Post-reading (3-5 minutes) • Comprehension, grammar and vocabulary check

SS are going to read the text again to answer the questions based on it and share their answers with their peer.

Productive Task (1-2 minutes) • SS's awareness of new grammar

I would ask one or two SS to talk about their own experiences about learning something shortly. I would check their level of understanding and usage of "be able to" while talking about their personal experiences.

Useful Language (5-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

SS are going to devided into two groups of A and B to guess the sentences of the opposite group which will be passed as HOs among them. They are going to fold the paper to not to see the answers below. After they finished, they will exchange their papers and unfold them to see the correct answer.

Productive Task(s) (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

HOs will be passed among SS and FB will be shown on WB. SS are going to choose at least three sentences suitable with the picture individually. Then they are going to share their ideas with their partners in their groups that why the chose them.

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