selin selin

Elementary, Level A1 level


In this lesson, the frequency adverbs which we use commonly in our daily lives such as never,hardly ever, sometimes, usually, often, always will be given. T will give the meaning, form and how to use them in the sentences.


Abc pictures of bird and owl
Abc questionnaire text
Abc Gap-fill out 2
Abc Gap-fill out 1

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of frequency adverbs in the context of questionnaire

Subsidiary Aims

  • To encourage learners to notice grammatical features in the text and provide practice in scan reading for specific words.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will present Ss the pictures of a bird and owl on the board and then start asking Ss questions from previous lesson, such as "What time do you get up?" and "What time do you go to bed?" T will elicit that the birds get up early and owls don't sleep at nights. Then T ask Ss to talk their partner and ask the same questions. T will use the following CCQs to check how they understand the meaning of these words for example: Does your friend get up late? Does she go to bed early? Does he get up early? etc.

Exposure-Reading Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a questionnaire

Ss will be given a questionnaire to read and circle the answers. Before Ss start reading, T will explain Ss what they are going to do. ICQs: Are you reading the questionnaire? Are you you circling one answer? Do you work alone or in group? Ss will read it by themselves and circle the answers. Once they are finished, T will put them into pairs and compare their answers. Then T will tell Ss to look at their scores from the score chart. After T will ask some ss about their partners answers. CCQ: Is he/she a night owl or early bird? etc. T will divide the board into two columns and write the amount of the Ss (who is an early bird or a night owl?) T will ask Ss what time do they get up in the morning and what time do they sleep at night? Who is early bird? Who is night owl? Ss will see how many of them early bird or night owl on the board.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will show the text on WB and elicit the adverbs from the Ss. T will say “There are similar words in the text.” ask “ please find these” and talk with your partner. Then T will choose Ss to underline the words on WB.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will give HO which has a blank frequency line with 0 point and %100. T will present the same HO on WB and write the adverbs by eliciting from Ss and use some examples sentences, such as using 'always' for a thing that you do every day, all the time or 100%. T will drill the adverbs. T will tell Ss to unfold the paper and give instructions for the written activity. Ss will rewrite the sentences by using frequency adverbs. ICQs : Are you going to write sentences? Do you work alone or with your partner? T will ask them to check their answers in pairs. Then ask some Ss to elicit the sentences written on the exercise. T will ask “Is it a negative or positive sentence?” T will explain there shouldn’t be two negative things in the same sentence. The adverbs “hardly ever, sometimes and never” can’t be used in negative sentences. "He doesn’t like and play footballl." "He never plays football" NOT "He doesn't never play football" T will elicit “always,usually and often can be used in negative sentences.” I don’t always go to the office by car. She doesn't often meet with her friends. After that, T will write a sentence with space between words and elicit the position of the adverbs of frequency, forming the rules. subject+adverbs of frequency+main verb subject +verb to be +adverbs of frequency T will ask and elicit these; Adverbs of frequency come before/after the main verb Adverbs of frequency come before / after the verb be The adverbs sometimes and usually can also go at the beginning /end of a sentence. T will give HO and instructions. Ss will write their own sentences about their life by looking at the chart. Ss will check the answers with their partner. T will ask "Are you working alone or in group?" T will tell Ss to check their answers with their partner. T will monitor and give feedback. T will elicit the form of question "How often...." How often + verb to be/ main verb + subject + .....?

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students practice of the target language

T will give instructions about the activity and HOs (Find someone who) T will demonstrate the activity before giving the HOs. Ss will check the statements for themselves then Ss will find the people according to the statements by asking each other. When everyone has finished, T ask the Ss to give feedback to the rest of the class on what they found out about their friends.

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