Ferda Tokçalar Ferda Tokçalar

Copy of Grammar lesson: past perfect and past simple
Intermediate level


In this lesson SS will be exposed to the TL (past perfect and past simple) through jumbled sentences warmer activity. Followed by highlighting the form, function and drilling the TL. SS will then do controlled practices.


Abc Answer key for story timeline activity
Abc Answer key for exercise 9, p. 31, face2face.
Abc Timeline cut-outs for sequencing events from the story on exercise 9, face2face, p.31
Abc Fill the gap HO
Abc Stationery (coloured markers and blu-tack)
Abc Timeline cut-outs for the coloured paper material
Abc Coloured paper for distinguishing sequences of past perfect and past simple
Abc Time expression cut-outs (when, already, just)
Abc Jumbled sentences cut-outs
Abc PPT jumbled sentences
Abc Answer key for story timeline activity

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of past perfect and past simple in the context of Adventurers

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop writing skills using the past perfect


Stage 1 (Warmer) (8-10 minutes) • To expose the target language

-Show the jumbled sentence on the board. the series/because/I'd seen/to make/I decided/an article in the newspaper -Use gesture that they need to rearrange the sentence. -Give instructions: --In pairs, try to guess the correct answer. 2 minutes. -Give the cut-outs randomly to the SS one by one. -Give the SS some time to arrange the sentence. -FB: check the sentence. Make sure the sentence is correct (I decided to make the series because I'd seen an article in the newspaper) -Repeat the process again with different sentence: -Show the jumbled sentence on the board. the next day/By the time/the weather/she got up/had change --Give instructions: --In pairs, try to guess the correct answer. 2 minutes. (while SS are thinking, write the first sentence on the right side of the board -Give the cut-outs randomly to the SS one by one. -Give the SS some time to arrange the sentence. -FB: check the sentence. Make sure the sentence is correct (By the time she got up, the weather had changed) -Write the second sentence on the middle of the board.

Stage 2 (highlighting TL) (20-25 minutes) • To highlight the form and function of the TL. Followed by drilling pronunciation of TL.

-Write the sentence “By the time I got up, the weather had changed” on the middle of the board. -Highlight tenses. Use different colour on “got up” and “had changed”. -CCQs: How many actions are there in the sentence? Are these actions happened in the past or present? -draw timeline. -CCQs: Which action goes first? For first action in the past, what do we use? (highlight “had+past participle”) For second action in the past, we use......(highlight “past simple”) What is the name of the tense? (point “had+past participle”) Point to past simple and elicit “past simple” from SS. -(time expression: when, already, just) Give instructions: -Show cut-outs of "when", "already" and "just". -These words, where can you put them? -Give the each word to a random student. -Let the SS do the activity. -FB: Give the correct answer on the board. -Stick the coloured paper which has the "when I turned on the TV..." sentences on the middle of the board. -Stick the timelines far from the sentences (to indicate the SS need to match them) -Give instructions: -say "Two sentences. Two timelines. Match them" -Give one timeline to a random student. -Give another timeline to another random student. -FB: give the correct answer. -Take the coloured paper and stick it on the right side of the board. -Draw SS’ attention to you. -Model drilling: -say naturally “the weather had changed”. Joined “weather” and “had”. -drill with SS 3 times. -say “by the time I got up, the weather had changed”. -drill with SS 3 times. - point a SS to repeat the whole sentence naturally. Do 2 times.

Stage 3 (controlled practice) (10-12 minutes) • To give SS some controlled practice.

-Divide the SS into pairs. -Give instructions: Work in pairs. Do exercise 9. You've got 7 minutes. -Give HO. -Monitor. -FB: give answer key. -Make some groups of 4s. -Give instructions: Work in groups. Put the events in the story into the correct timeline. -Model: "for example: ....Ann Daniels, Caroline Hamilton and Pom Oliver flew from England to Canada. Where is that event in the timeline. Here (point). Put other events on the timeline. -Give HO. -FB: give answer key. -If there's still time, do WCFB: What had they done before they went to the north pole? Would you like going to the north pole?

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