christel sirocchi christel sirocchi

Review and Practice Vocabulary of Family, Reading Practice
elementary level


In this lesson, SS will review and practice vocabulary of family members. They will also practice reading for gist and details in a reading activity about families. The topic of families is introduced in the lead-in stage using very popular Turkish TV series and movies, where SS divided in groups match pictures of famous characters with the corresponding title. At the end of this stage the word ‘family’ and few other family words are elicited. The family vocabulary is introduced in the following stage using familiy trees and meaning, form and pronunciation are clarified. SS practice family vocabulary with gap-fill exercises and speaking activities. The topic of the reading task is introduced and few vocabulary words are pretaught. The SS read a first time to match the stories with the family trees provided and a second time to search for specific information. Finally, SS practice family vocabulary in a freer practice, where they draw and describe their family tree to other SS.



Main Aims

  • The main aim is to review and practice vocabulary of family members

Subsidiary Aims

  • The subsidary aim is to practice reading skills, both for the gist and for details, in a reading task about families


STAGE 1 LEAD IN (4-5 minutes) • Introduce the context of family

SS are divided in 2 groups of 8-10 people. Titles of 3-4 famous TV series are written on the WB. Each groups is given a folder containing TV SERIES CARDS, pictures of 20 characters from the TV series (these caracters are related). Each group matches the pictures with the corresponding TV series title. Feedback is provided as WC. Use the biggest family (or the most known by the students) to elicit the word ‘family’ and a few other simple family words. ‘Look at all these people. Are they friends? Are they colleagues? They are a .. ’

STAGE 2 CLARIFICATION (8-12 minutes) • Clarify meaning, spelling and pronunciation of the vocabulary

Pass out Handout1. SS complete Ex1 in Handout1 and check in pairs. Show TP3 presentation slide 1, SS correct the exercise at the WB. Show slides 2-3-4, SS complete the diagram at the WB. Elicit the words male and female using matching. Explain male and female symbols. ‘Your mother and your father are your parents. Who is the female parents? Who is the male parent?’ Use CCQs to check meaning ‘Am I female? Yes, I am. Are you male?..’ SS complete Handout1 exercise2, check in pairs and then WC. Show slide 5 and practice pronunciation by modeling and drilling.

STAGE 3 VOCABULARY PRACTICE (8-12 minutes) • Practice meaning, spelling and pronunciation of the vocabulary

Pass out Handout2. SS complete Handout2 Ex1 and check in pairs and WC -- Speaking activity -- SS work in pairs and ask each other the questions contained in Handout2 Ex2. After 2 min change pairs. The pair activity is converted into a group activity ‘find someone who’.

STAGE 4 PRE-READING (4-5 minutes) • Pre-teach vocabulary in the reading task

Introduce the topic of the reading task and pre-teach vocabulary in reading task (enemies, death, revenge, jealousy) using a matching exercise. SS work in small groups and try to match the names with the images. Explain vocabulary using examples, gestures, synonyms/antonyms. Clarify meaning with CCQs

STAGE 5 READING (4-5 minutes) • practice reading for the gist

Project slide 11 and comment family trees. Pass out Handout3 SS read the task to match the story with the family trees. SS check in pairs and feedback is provided as whole class.

STAGE 6 READING (4-5 minutes) • practice reading for details

SS read the task again to complete exercise 2. SS check in pairs and feedback is provided as whole class.

STAGE 7 SPEAKING (5-10 minutes) • Practice vocabulary vocabulary of family in a freer practice

SS Draw their family tree and describe it to the other SS, who have to draw it.

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