Behnaz Rakhshanfar Behnaz Rakhshanfar

everyday problem,can ,can't (ability)
new headway beginner level


In this lesson, Ss learn about the ability and the meaning, form, pronunciation and questions of can and can't. At first, T mimes some actions such as 'touch your feet', 'lick the elbow', 'sing a song' and 'dance' and ask the Ss to do it 'to elicit the meaning of 'can' and ' can't ' and create interest in Ss by personalisation. After that, T sticks some pictures on the board to clarify the meaning of can and can't such as 'he can use a computer', 'he can drive' and so on. Then, T clarifies the form, questions with can and pronunciation. Then, T gives Ss some different questions and students do a mingling activity as a controlled practice .Then, T gives each group of Ss different pictures of their famous people of their country to discuss what he/she can or can't do. After that, they share their ideas with the other groups.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Can/Can't in the context of every day problem

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice with Can/Can't in the context of everyday problem.


Lead-in/ warmer (5-8 minutes) • to create interest in students by personalisation

T mimes some actions such as 'touching her feet', 'licking her elbow', singing a song and dancing' and says, "I can't touch my feet or I can dance." Then, asks Ss to do these activities to create interest and elicit the meaning of can and can't as well.

presentation (10-15 minutes) • to clarify the meaning,form and pronunciation of TL

T sticks some pictures on the WB such as a boy who can use a computer, a girl who can't draw a picture and so on, then elicits the meaning of 'can' and ' can't '. T asks some students to come to WB and stick a correct sentence in front of the picture to involve them in learning. T clarifies the form of can and can't by eliciting it as 'Is it subject or verb?' or 'Is it a modal or a base verb and then, asks Ss to come to WB to put the words in the correct part of speech to involve them in learning. T clarifies the pronunciation of can and can't in some sentences by using a variety of drills such as backchain drilling, substitution drilling and repeating individually.

practie (5-7 minutes) • to give Ss some tasks to practice the TL in a controlled way.

T gives some pictures of signs to Ss and some sentences to match the correct sentences with the correct picture such as 'you can turn right' or 'you can't eat food here'. Then, asks Ss to stand up and check the answers of their friends. After that, T gives them FB by nominating Ss to answer the question. T gives HOs to Ss which are not the same to find someone who can do or can't do something. Ss stand up and find a new partner and ask each other a question as a mingling activity. The teacher gives them feedback by asking ss to nominate one of their friends to answer the questions.

production (10-15 minutes) • To give Ss some tasks to produce TL in a free way

T divides Ss in two groups and then, gives Ss some pictures of the famous people in their countries and asks learners to discus with each other about five things that he/she can or can't do in their groups. After that, they share their ideas with other groups, and then gives Ss FB by writing their errors on the WB and asks learners to find their mistakes and correct it. T prepares a game for Ss in which one Ss comes and sits on the hot seat and T sticks a name of the famous person of their country on his/her forehead. The student can't see the name, so he/ she has to ask some questions with can to find that person such as 'Can he sing?', or 'Can he dance?' and so on.

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