TP 8 - Lesson Plan
Elementary A2 level
Main Aims
To provide review and practice of vocab related to clothes , jobs , food and drink , furniture ....
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency in speaking and using the related vocab
Procedure (42 minutes)
*Explain the day's lesson . *Put the headings on the board
*Put students into groups . *Assign each group with 2 headings on the board . *Give them the stripes of paper *They find the correct vocab related to their heading *They put the words below the heading . *Monitor .
*Drill the pronunciation of some of the difficult vocab. *If there is any word they don't know , elicit the meaning. *CCQs
*Tell them to stand up *Gather around one table . *Do a demo of the game . *Explain all parts of the game . *CCQs .
*Students go back to their groups *Start the game . *Monitor for any problem
*Write the words which were pronuonced incorrectly during the game , on the WB . *Drill .